(modesty, intimacy)
U MBERTO G ALIMBERTI , Guests disturbing , Feltrinelli 2007. Chapter 6. The advertising intimacy (pp. 57-64)
"If we call" intimate "what is denied to grant it to the stranger who wants to enter his own deep secret and often unknown to ourselves, then modesty, which protects our privacy, also defends our freedom . And he defends in that nucleus, where our identity staff decide what kind of relationship establish with the other " (57) .
"As others are hopelessly exposed (...), modesty is an attempt to maintain their subjectivity so that they themselves secretly in the presence of others. (...) Intimacy should be discreet and not reveal in full their underwear, so do not dissolve the mystery that, if fully revealed, not only extinguished the source of fascination, but also the fence of our identity, which at this point is no longer available even for us " (58) .
[Many young people exchange their identity with what appears with their public image. I have if I appear . This error leads to the dissolution of identity.] (see 58s.)
'[Of reality show:] transmissions that we consider more pornographic pornography itself, because baring one's soul is worse than bare his own body " (59) .
«Il pudore, prima di una faccenda di mutande che uno può cavarsi o infilarsi quando vuole, è una faccenda d'anima che, una volta de-psicologizzata, perché si sono fatte cadere le pareti che difendono il dentro dal fuori, l'interiorità dall'esteriorità, non esiste semplicemente più» (62s.) .
[Due identificazioni pericolose, già pienamente in atto nella nostra società: 1. sincerità = spudoratezza; 2. pudore = repressione.]
[La de-psicologizzazione (ie soppressione dell'intimità personale) porta direttamente all'omologazione: dato che non penso, non sento, non desidero independently, I think, feel and want what is generally thought so. in my room.]