and the latter, the majority of cases, require some contributions of others. I clean. Throw overboard dullness and stupid fears, expectations, misplaced expectations and more. I put 120% of myself in what I do. And just enough for me.
'm glad whenever I can to force events, favoring a route to correct my desires. There destiny, fate does not exist already written: There is only our will and people around. But not always need to replace them. resize my interests. Or better. I focus only on what really interests me,
I focus my energies. I've wasted a lot in the past and even this was a cause of fatigue and bad mood. I must take care, however, only of my boat and my route.
enough for me: I love this word. I have already started to change what I was going to genius, to impose myself on situations rather than suffer them-and stay evil. " I think this is the difference between a Captain
and a simple sailor. Other times the rocks will approach threatening, scratch me and I'll correct the route. But this is
thousand feet high waves