I have not fled from Foggia, the book Alberto Mangano
Ho letto il libro IO NON SONO FUGGITO DA FOGGIA di Alberto Mangano. L'ho letto dopo Sepulveda e Camilleri, che è un po' come se Alberto avesse dovuto allenare l'Inter dopo Mourinho.
Credo sia un libro che i foggiani dovrebbero leggere, ci ho trovato molte cose che sapevo ma anche tante altre che non conoscevo, dai giochi dei ragazzi ai racconti della guerra, dalle tradizioni alle curiosità.
Conosco Alberto per essere stato ospite con lui alcune volte in tv, per aver scambiato pareri con lui su facebook ma soprattutto conosco il suo sito ( www.manganofoggia.it ), la più importante raccolta di materiale sulla nostra di Foggia che ci sia in rete, Alberto è uno che ama la sua città ed è orgoglioso di viverci, il che non mi pare poco in un posto dove tutti non fanno altro che criticare e lamentarsi, salvo poi arrabbiarsi se le stesse cose le dice una classifica de Il Sole 24 Ore o il Presidente della Regione.
Alberto scrive “solo che saprà rispettare le proprie origini potrà dare qualcosa alle generazioni future”, mi permetto di aggiungere che solo facendo ogni giorno qualcosa per la propria città (in campo culturale, sportivo, imprenditoriale) si potrà evitare di lasciare alle prossime generazioni una città morente.
Un'ultima cosa: so che il titolo ha generato polemiche, come forse sapete io dopo la laurea ho lavorato 5 anni a Milano e poi sono tornato a Foggia, personalmente non credo che la divisione sia tra chi è rimasto e chi è andato via ma tra chi, pur essendo emigrato ha continuato ad amare la propria città e chi invece ora vota Lega, o tra chi è rimasto per fare qualcosa di utile e chi invece ha solo saputo sfruttare qualche raccomandazione, grazie alla quale ha avuto un posto di lavoro che spettava a qualcun altro.
In conclusione: comprate il libro di Alberto, leggetelo e fatelo leggere, non vincerà il Nobel per la letteratura, ma è un atto d'amore per la propria città.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Chicago Moped Rentals
The scout and orientieering
E' stato ritrovato e sta bene il giovane scout che si era perso durante la gara di orientering. In ogni caso mi sa che è arrivato ultimo...
E' stato ritrovato e sta bene il giovane scout che si era perso durante la gara di orientering. In ogni caso mi sa che è arrivato ultimo...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wedding Programs Verbiage
had old letters and memories stored in a wooden box beech, the ones with the brass reinforcements. Locked, had entrusted to a dusty attic, a far compagnia ad altre storie ed altre follie. Fare ordine, spazio, era un'esigenza alle volte. Come già in passato, il Mare non aspettava - e non perdonava - ed andarsene, da solo, era ciò che gli riusciva meglio.
" Every ship in harbor is safe
had old letters and memories stored in a wooden box beech, the ones with the brass reinforcements. Locked, had entrusted to a dusty attic, a far compagnia ad altre storie ed altre follie. Fare ordine, spazio, era un'esigenza alle volte. Come già in passato, il Mare non aspettava - e non perdonava - ed andarsene, da solo, era ciò che gli riusciva meglio.
Seguire la propria rotta .was time to sailCerti giorni amava perdersi nei boschi dell'Etna, lasciando che l'aroma del tabacco danese si mescolasse all'odore pungente della resina dei pini. In mezzo a quelle rocce nere, lontano da tutti, a un passo dal cielo azzurro, lì trovava se stesso. Erano fugaci evasioni, analgesici momentanei per le sue mancanze, per i suoi vuoti. Occhiali da sole mal celavano l'abisso di pensieri dentro ai suoi occhi scuri. Cercava la quiete nelle cose semplici: attraversare the city on foot with his music in the headphones, turn up the collar when wind blew from the north, enjoy the warmth of his pipe in his hands. Little by little change, but still not enough. The hullcraved the open sea, the real one.
" Every ship in harbor is safe
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Best Cruising Spots In Sacramento
Fables and dreams
From the window comes a ray of light that clears the floor. Friday morning. There is silence in the studio. I always like to be alone. They are the last few weeks here and already there's another waiting room and new faces and new experiences. If I say one thing and do the soliamente prefer to create change rather than wait for them. The sky is blue, striped with white clouds. Smell of tobacco. The desire for coffee. It was a special week. I always feel a subtle pleasure when I see that things follow the route that I trace, when the boat obeys the helm. It will be the 'Fall . It will be that by dint of sailing with the Sea rough now I've learned everything properly. It is always a matter of right distances, perhaps. Or right approach, I do not know. Then there are the memories, of course, the
the Treasury my most precious. The scents carried by the wind from distant cities. The new experiences. The smiles popular variety in the midst of old stones, unexpectedly. The promises of Cerasuolo di Vittoria . morning I recognized the face staring back at me with a half smile in the mirror. A captain of my acquaintance. All in all a good day today. Here
November. I expected you, my friend.
... was you. From the window comes a ray of light that clears the floor. Friday morning. There is silence in the studio. I always like to be alone. They are the last few weeks here and already there's another waiting room and new faces and new experiences. If I say one thing and do the soliamente prefer to create change rather than wait for them. The sky is blue, striped with white clouds. Smell of tobacco. The desire for coffee. It was a special week. I always feel a subtle pleasure when I see that things follow the route that I trace, when the boat obeys the helm. It will be the 'Fall . It will be that by dint of sailing with the Sea rough now I've learned everything properly. It is always a matter of right distances, perhaps. Or right approach, I do not know. Then there are the memories, of course, the
the Treasury my most precious. The scents carried by the wind from distant cities. The new experiences. The smiles popular variety in the midst of old stones, unexpectedly. The promises of Cerasuolo di Vittoria .
November. I expected you, my friend.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Island Packet Yacht Diagrams
There are things you can change and things can not change. The first usually depend entirely on your willingness
and the latter, the majority of cases, require some contributions of others. I clean. Throw overboard dullness and stupid fears, expectations, misplaced expectations and more. I put 120% of myself in what I do. And just enough for me.
'm glad whenever I can to force events, favoring a route to correct my desires. There destiny, fate does not exist already written: There is only our will and people around. But not always need to replace them. resize my interests. Or better. I focus only on what really interests me,
I focus my energies. I've wasted a lot in the past and even this was a cause of fatigue and bad mood. I must take care, however, only of my boat and my route.
enough for me: I love this word. I have already started to change what I was going to genius, to impose myself on situations rather than suffer them-and stay evil. " I think this is the difference between a Captain
and a simple sailor. Other times the rocks will approach threatening, scratch me and I'll correct the route. But this is navigate. This is
" thousand feet high waves

and the latter, the majority of cases, require some contributions of others. I clean. Throw overboard dullness and stupid fears, expectations, misplaced expectations and more. I put 120% of myself in what I do. And just enough for me.
'm glad whenever I can to force events, favoring a route to correct my desires. There destiny, fate does not exist already written: There is only our will and people around. But not always need to replace them. resize my interests. Or better. I focus only on what really interests me,
I focus my energies. I've wasted a lot in the past and even this was a cause of fatigue and bad mood. I must take care, however, only of my boat and my route.
enough for me: I love this word. I have already started to change what I was going to genius, to impose myself on situations rather than suffer them-and stay evil. " I think this is the difference between a Captain
and a simple sailor. Other times the rocks will approach threatening, scratch me and I'll correct the route. But this is
Friday, November 19, 2010
The time flew fast as the beating of wings of the most beautiful butterfly . The narrow streets of Perugia , uphill and downhill. The cold nights. The laughter. The
sweetness. Difficult words to say. The beating of the heart. The Virginia Golden yellow envelope. Hands clasped to warm up. Chocolate. The speeches on the sofa in the living room. Rain swing and the rays of the Sun departures, greetings and effort every time, they must find the strength to keep going. And above all else, you .
Excluding the parentheses of travel, is definitely a gray period. I am unhappy, anxious, disappointed. I can not find reasons to put my all into what I do. It is not me. I need to change to remove dust and cobwebs from my life now. I have to change
. Perhaps for the first time in my life I take seriously the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging city. If only for a while. Maybe it's just another illusion, or maybe I need a space around which best match to my space interiore. Il "tirare a campare", il continuo accontentarsi, l'immobilismo tipico di qui è qualcosa che non fa decisamente per me.
So solo che la bussola gira come impazzita. Ed il sentirmi in balia di qualcosa che faccio fatica a controllare mi rende insofferente.
Dannazione Capitano.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Il calore del Sole sulla pelle durante queste giornate che lentamente rinfrescano. Un libro buono. Il silenzio di una stanza. Ho voglia di autentica semplicità. Slacciare la cravatta, il cotone di una maglietta "vissuta" addosso. Navigare a modo mio. Scattare foto in bianco e nero. Socchiudere leggermente gli occhi. Annusare. Guardare il paesaggio che scappa e mi rincorre veloce fuori dal finestrino. Cercare un posto che sia davvero mio. Trovare grazia in ciò che faccio
. Annoto particolari - per me rilevanti - in calligrafia ordinata. Riempio le pagine del mio taccuino. Mi curo poco di parecchie cose e parecchio di poche altre. Sto tentando di capire alcune cose e certe volte divento irreperibile per qualche ora o qualche giorno. Mi meraviglio sempre quando succede qualcosa che mi ricorda « chi sono io », magari proprio nei momenti in cui la mia bussola sembra perdere qualche colpo. Ci saranno dei cambiamenti, ma in fondo è così che voglio. The Sea is now an expanse of shining under the rays of the sun I see now
here. nursed the ticket for my next trip. Lacks little, very little.
And this is the life

here. nursed the ticket for my next trip. Lacks little, very little.
And this is the life
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Loose Bowels More Condition_symptoms
From the window of my room, far away, I see a small strip of sea. On it, a ship, a gray ball that allows me to understand the model. But it is a given redundant. Golden Virginia in the air. I try to imagine where it comes from the hull, to where it is Direct. People there on board. Maybe at this moment there is someone who smokes on the deck and watch the coast away aft. They are simple thoughts and reflections of a few minutes. Wind and yet they are sometimes too cool days in real estate. Always on the go, for business, and little time to breathe. But not the kind of movement that I like. E 'dirty
material. Here there is the smell of salt air that is breathed in Copenhagen. Here is dust and old stuff. People adrift, helpless as you jostle in a tavern, hungry for a piece of bread. It will not be a jacket and tie to make them better. Only life on the high seas could be. But they have the character from townspeople.
First day of Fall
and I wake up to the tune of falling rain. I look forward to the leaves and the cool wind, but really cool. The warmth of a scarf and the pleasure of wine on cold evenings of tobacco. Look . Look, yes, I also take to sea. And let the dust and the stern old stuff. Never trust, never.
Photo: Nave Palinuro school in Ortigia, taken by the Captain.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Cortisone Shots And Throat Infections
Mild and useless life. Now. Here. The long march
un versante che tante volte ho guardato dal basso. Chissà che vista c'è da lassù. E son salito. Il fiato corto, i muscoli doloranti. Il Vento che ti prende a schiaffi. Un Vento così forte da buttarti a terra, lassù. Ma la vita, signori, la pura vita. Non potete immaginare cosa si vede quando si è così in alto. Se non ci fosse stato il mal tempo, sarei andato ben oltre. Capisco perché The ancients believed that the summits were the dwelling of the gods.
[Prudence made me give up the top of the ridge, but I think it was a wise choice. "Hero" in my vocabulary, rhymes with idiot.]
There is no greater joy than leaving. The main thing is what can enter into a backpack, everything else is superfluous. The only company are essential to our thoughts. Being away from all us closer to ourselves. This is why I love the solitude
the high seas during a trekking and climbing. The newspaper smothers me.
And I need fresh air. And the new road under your feet.
"The things are not important, is our attitude towards them that makes them, "says Professor Nautyal before leaving us," if you look at me kindly and I am your friend if you feel happy, then so are you. "
Cederna Joseph, "The Great Trip"
Danes, a people has always been a sailor. Lie down on the soft green lawns, under trees, maple or pine or chestnut. O shade of castles that have inspired poets and writers. Helsingør, Mal
m ö , Roskilde, København. The magic of the places in their spoken language, so evocative, so different. Sweden and Denmark, almost close to kissing. I touched the waters of the Baltic Sea and were cold, yet inviting. I have seen old ships that have crossed keels scraping pebbles beaches. Stories and legends of sailors and warriors, bushy beards, blond hair, pasty beer.
Over time diminishes the desire to return home from a trip. Like a drug, it's never enough. The afternoon before returning to Italy I have smoked tobacco from a pipe Danish new, bought in Copenhagen in a small shop but packed pipe. I christened with its first fire on the banks of a canal town. At last light of day. The serenity of the vibrant and unique moments. A breath. Wonderful
There is a race of men that does not fit,
and climb the peaks of the mountains,
their damnation is the gypsy blood Over time diminishes the desire to return home from a trip. Like a drug, it's never enough. The afternoon before returning to Italy I have smoked tobacco from a pipe Danish new, bought in Copenhagen in a small shop but packed pipe. I christened with its first fire on the banks of a canal town. At last light of day. The serenity of the vibrant and unique moments. A breath. Wonderful
There is a race of men that does not fit,
a race that can not stop, so break the hearts of friends and relativeswalk the land and through the rivers
and roam the world at their pleasure.
and climb the peaks of the mountains,
but always be weary of their surroundings
and want to know what is new and strange
from" In Cold Blood "Truman Capote with Philip
Photo of Captain
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Alzheimer's More Condition_symptoms
At the port there is always a strong smell of oil and salt. Water a bit 'sluggish. It's not stink, you can not define this if you consider the port as a home. One of the many. Watch the boats dancing calm, the fishermen on sediolina folding bucket beside the seagulls flying in circles and are placed high on the crane. Far away, the horizon is blue and you wonder what there is: what lands, what experience, at this moment, you're losing. not worth arguing with people. Useless to try to make them understand your point of view if they do not know how to listen. Dialogue is nice when it is constructive. All other times it's just a waste of time. People do not like me, then, that I care what you want, basically.
shift their attention away from himself too much affects the center of gravity, and then on ' balance. Then you need to jettison much weight as possible and keep only the essentials.
regain control.
seafarers. Head and hard rind.
At the port there is always a strong smell of oil and salt. Water a bit 'sluggish. It's not stink, you can not define this if you consider the port as a home. One of the many. Watch the boats dancing calm, the fishermen on sediolina folding bucket beside the seagulls flying in circles and are placed high on the crane. Far away, the horizon is blue and you wonder what there is: what lands, what experience, at this moment, you're losing. not worth arguing with people. Useless to try to make them understand your point of view if they do not know how to listen. Dialogue is nice when it is constructive. All other times it's just a waste of time. People do not like me, then, that I care what you want, basically.
shift their attention away from himself too much affects the center of gravity, and then on ' balance. Then you need to jettison much weight as possible and keep only the essentials.
regain control.
seafarers. Head and hard rind.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Pregnancy Cycle More Condition_symptoms
"That was always the Mediterranean, it was enough to give a little 'of attention to the faint memory recall: oil and red wine, Islam and the Talmud, crosses, cypress pine, tombs, churches, crimson sunsets as blood, white sails in the distance, stones worked by men and time, that particular hour of noon when the quiet and the silence was broken only by the chirping of cicadas, night in the light of a bonfire piled with wood adrift, while the moon slowly rose above a sea islands without water. It also skewers of sardines, bay leaves and olives, watermelon peels floating on the gentle sway vespertino quiet of the beach, the sound of pebbles in the surf in the morning, boats are painted with blue, white and red, launched on beaches with mills in ruins and olive gray , gilded grapes on trellises. And the shelter of their own shadow, her eyes lost in the intense stretching to the east, the sea looked real estate men, sunburned and bearded heroes knew of shipwrecks in bays designated by cruel gods, fake statues mutilated asleep, with open eyes, a silence of centuries. "
Arturo Perez-Reverte Pontina on at sunset, Latin night on a vintage black beetle in the direction of the Sea. The games in the evening, laughter, hundreds of photographs, tobacco & beer. The early morning breakfast at the bar with you. Sweatshirts and shorts. Themselves to be absolutely free and brilliant, who knows how many miles from home in the midst of "unknown" you always seem to know.
So the sailor's bag is filled with other memories, other experiences and good wind to breathe out when the air is still.
Arremba life as a pirate . With proper light, ironically, with a smile. Balancing the melancholy, without ever flunk a challenge or a proposal. Close leggermente gli occhi e affidarsi all'istinto, al proprio equilibrio. Trovare più di quanto si cercava, mai per caso ma
sempre per scelta . Schiena dritta, al timone sul ponte.

Certe volte con destrezza sono andato all'arrembaggio
altre ho naufragato in mezzo ai guai...
Nella scia delle sirene, con gli squali alle calcagna
chissà in quale porto mi ritroverò?
Sempre in cerca di avventure, notti e giorni a navigare
E' una fever that never goes out ... 
And I confess my sin, I'm happy I do not ever
and there is madness I would not do ...
Edoardo Bennato reach almost to the end, the tip, and turn around to look at the city that lives under the watchful shadow of Mount Etna. Breathe the sea breeze. Feel "solid" in its place in the world.
So do not feel even more tired. When you set foot on the dock, got out of the canoe, even if the muscles are trying to complain, you ignore them. Like when I say "one down yet
So do not feel even more tired. When you set foot on the dock, got out of the canoe, even if the muscles are trying to complain, you ignore them. Like when I say "one down yet
I look at the dock, I'll leave the stern. Once dropped
. The mainland, with all its ugliness, it can wait a little longer '.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dc Tourist Map Printable
Wind Sound
The white foam against the gray rocks and the expanse of the harbor swept by a gentle breeze. The bow of the canoe cuts through the waves, the size, the cross as certain memories through our thoughts. But in an instant and everything passes quickly, as my constant paddling. Right, left, breathe, keep a steady rhythm. Gait. The struggle continues against the instability of the half, the vastness of the Sea, the insolence of the waves. The sun and salt on your skin so you "peel the sailor." Concentrate, every muscle called to order, stretched his legs, his arms outstretched. The speed increases as the beating of the heart. Burn the city under the setting sun, burning bright colors and alive as my love for this sea and land.
'I ground. The sport we
slams face in the struggle of every day, that of life. If you hesitate, you fall into the water. If you're afraid to try, never reach the open sea to enjoy the colors and unique sensations. The only battles lost are those that choose not to fight. No such failure is never absolute and the same applies to the victories. why you should never stop, except to take the right momentum and the wave better. Will and perseverance, such as hardened steel. The future belongs to those who dare to conquer.
Challenge. And if it is hard not to like it].
Photo: Sunset at Catania from the quay, taken by the Captain.
'I ground. The sport we
slams face in the struggle of every day, that of life. If you hesitate, you fall into the water. If you're afraid to try, never reach the open sea to enjoy the colors and unique sensations. The only battles lost are those that choose not to fight. No such failure is never absolute and the same applies to the victories. why you should never stop, except to take the right momentum and the wave better. Will and perseverance, such as hardened steel. The future belongs to those who dare to conquer.
Challenge. And if it is hard not to like it].
Photo: Sunset at Catania from the quay, taken by the Captain.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Leg Problems More Condition_symptoms
Old sailors' tales
I sniff the air trying to figure out the weather. E 'on June 1 but it could be October 1. I hold her in a scarf while I go down to the studio and if I look in the mirror I see my thoughts that I follow suit.
Hell is around corner. How about a swing pass from ups and downs, smiles and shadows. Walking on the bridge with the boat rolls. But this is the life of a seaman, and if you also choose to accept. not enough, sometimes, to think that in a few weeks we start, not enough, no need, when you are smart enough to understand that a place is just a different frame of a picture that is actually sempre lo stesso.
Io . A volte così ingombrante. Ma in fondo, se così non fosse, sono certo che mi annoierei. Proprio perché credo nella scelta, nella volontà . Il gusto della sfida. Non esistono situazioni di cui non essere all'altezza. Non mi sono mai arreso senza combattere. Anzi, forse, non mi sono mai arreso. Neanche da sconfitto. Per questo sorrido ancora.
Profumo di tabacco. Enriched flavor. I sniff the air trying to figure out the weather. E 'on June 1 but it could be October 1. I hold her in a scarf while I go down to the studio and if I look in the mirror I see my thoughts that I follow suit.
Hell is around corner. How about a swing pass from ups and downs, smiles and shadows. Walking on the bridge with the boat rolls. But this is the life of a seaman, and if you also choose to accept. not enough, sometimes, to think that in a few weeks we start, not enough, no need, when you are smart enough to understand that a place is just a different frame of a picture that is actually sempre lo stesso.
Io . A volte così ingombrante. Ma in fondo, se così non fosse, sono certo che mi annoierei. Proprio perché credo nella scelta, nella volontà . Il gusto della sfida. Non esistono situazioni di cui non essere all'altezza. Non mi sono mai arreso senza combattere. Anzi, forse, non mi sono mai arreso. Neanche da sconfitto. Per questo sorrido ancora.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wedding Program Wording Thank You
Che gli errori si pagano l'ho imparato presto, as a child. Learning from mistakes, instead, to learn not to make always the same, no, that's always been more complicated. But some do not die for so little. You change to the maximum, you will draw yet another wrinkle in the face and they close themselves off more and more itself but does not die. The sun heats up, but the sun burns, too. Breaks the skin, making it dry. In order to be in the sun without burning need to have a hard rind. It or have it in time, of course. The items always
and never
and never
should not exist, yet at times I would. There are chests as vases Pandora: you should throw them into the sea, double-locked, that even the devil can find them. Accept the risk of opening them has not made heroes.
Disappointment is a bit 'mistake: my fault was to believe, but if seeking consolation or apology they would find plenty of them, for what they serve. And do not need.
So today is a new day, with plenty to do. There is no time to mourn and eyes are too dry to weep. My Island, My Ocean, my life. Here are the only things I can trust
The perfect number is one
And I dedicate my solitude.

The perfect number is one
And I dedicate my solitude.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Over Night Flight Provigil
Mediterranean pirate's life Browse
" I said to you a million times at least. As in a dream, you just fill their days. Relearn how to count, for once try to go beyond the one. I smile a bit 'sad, you know I usually do. Sigh. Me and my shortcomings. Always wanting what I have, every time finding myself in a situation ... difficult. Distance
Days are slipping fast. Now that is just a moment ago. Exit the study, loosen his tie, just wanting to go home rest.
And there were far more strange days, the sun, kisses and skin against skin. Have you here with me, after all this time, feel tight, your smell, your taste. "How beautiful . But difficult is not impossible.
So many things have been difficult, yet alone I've always done. Again it is difficult, but they are not alone if you are you. overlooking the sea, out of the window. The Sea that was with us that night, the moment that I waited for years. Waiting for you. I believe in fairy tales, should know. And I believe in
this story. Now, as then.

this story. Now, as then.
Friday, June 18, 2010
What Wood Is The Strongest
If there is a limit to the video of Jason & Crystalina is that they give few arguments "cultural" scaffolding for us Europeans. I can imagine various objections "sophisticated" than an intellectual nostrano opposed to their conference, or rather several themes that are not addressed.
I have often wondered what and who would be the equivalent of the message read Romance Without Regret . Now, a friend pointed me to an article on his blog taken from sheet, taken from times, which may be directed to the answer.
This is an interview with a Fabrice Hadjadj , intellectual French / Tunisian / jew ('a jew's Arabic name and Catholic confession) that sex and chastity has developed her own very personal thought, I'd say the original, certainly profound and disruptive . It condemns the bourgeois moralism, feminism 'phallocentric', prosecution falsely Catholic, politically incorrect things he says about homosexuality ... In short, leads blows in all directions and does so on a strictly philosophical.
I put his book list of texts to be read, maybe this summer I can. In the meantime, if you've teased enough, read the article you find here .
If there is a limit to the video of Jason & Crystalina is that they give few arguments "cultural" scaffolding for us Europeans. I can imagine various objections "sophisticated" than an intellectual nostrano opposed to their conference, or rather several themes that are not addressed.
I have often wondered what and who would be the equivalent of the message read Romance Without Regret . Now, a friend pointed me to an article on his blog taken from sheet, taken from times, which may be directed to the answer.
I put his book list of texts to be read, maybe this summer I can. In the meantime, if you've teased enough, read the article you find here .
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
After Surgury Get Well Stuff?
The sky is gray today. My room, the studio has a large balcony and being on the 7th floor is a beautiful view over the city. Technically, a few dome antenna and the roofs of some buildings, we see even a strip of blue sea. Esco often out on the balcony, even if only for a few seconds I glanced at the street below and then return. A little 'as a diver and rhythmically rises to take oxygen before descending deeper.
Within a week my life changed almost dramatically. Rightly, growing up, we must take responsibility: you can not always stay with her nose in the air, looking for stories or in worlds that - maybe - do not exist. In this cage are other rules and if you want to have some benefit, you must accept and respect. I started doing the work I have chosen, for which I have studied, and this of course I'm not complaining. But I realized how precious time.

Photos from the film Into the Wild
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hiv Positive More Condition_symptoms
are racing days, days that I do not know how much I belong. Wake up early, jacket and tie. Studio, bailiff, stationery, hearings, justice of the peace. Coffee. Then in the studio. Lunch and coffee. Then again in the studio, until there is something to do. In the meantime, you pass the desire to do anything else. When sleep becomes your obsession, it means that maybe we should review something or at least try to get used quickly.
I did not even have time to. But I chose it, definitely.
Then I'll be a bit 'on the run because I have so many things to do, sometimes with a lot of desire, others without. But appearances do not deceive. Deep down, behind the stupid appearances, Pellacchia is always a pirate. And ever as now I realize that
Freedom is always a good booty
are racing days, days that I do not know how much I belong. Wake up early, jacket and tie. Studio, bailiff, stationery, hearings, justice of the peace. Coffee. Then in the studio. Lunch and coffee. Then again in the studio, until there is something to do. In the meantime, you pass the desire to do anything else. When sleep becomes your obsession, it means that maybe we should review something or at least try to get used quickly.
I did not even have time to. But I chose it, definitely.
Then I'll be a bit 'on the run because I have so many things to do, sometimes with a lot of desire, others without. But appearances do not deceive. Deep down, behind the stupid appearances, Pellacchia is always a pirate. And ever as now I realize that
Freedom is always a good booty
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Patent Patek Philippe Nautilus
Hell is Around the Corner
Now I start to write more technical or personal. I have no claim to provide detailed information or "absolute" for what you buy a good manual - and there are several. But it may be interesting to throw down something simple that maybe you can come in handy during a trip or an excursion.
Orienting means, in other words, finding a fixed point reference by which to understand where you are and where you are going, thus reducing the chances of getting lost. Leaving aside the difference between true north and magnetic north
, I will comment, for now, more general. The classic method of orientation is to use a compass that indicates, as we all know, the North. There are also other ways to approach
, day and night.
One of my favorites is one that is based on identifying the
Polaris, which by its position in the sky is currently a projection of the celestial north pole, then the only reference in the northern hemisphere. [I say "currently" because under the precession of the equinoxes, the correspondence between this star and the North Pole last "only" a few centuries].
Methods must first find the Great Bear (or Big Dipper) and then extend the segment consists of the last two stars of the Big Dipper for 5 times its length. Come across as Polaris, which is the last star of Ursa Minor (or Little Dipper). A word that sounds complicated, but I hope that this image

Now I start to write more technical or personal. I have no claim to provide detailed information or "absolute" for what you buy a good manual - and there are several. But it may be interesting to throw down something simple that maybe you can come in handy during a trip or an excursion.
Orienting means, in other words, finding a fixed point reference by which to understand where you are and where you are going, thus reducing the chances of getting lost. Leaving aside the difference between true north and magnetic north
, I will comment, for now, more general. The classic method of orientation is to use a compass that indicates, as we all know, the North. There are also other ways to approach
, day and night.
One of my favorites is one that is based on identifying the
Polaris, which by its position in the sky is currently a projection of the celestial north pole, then the only reference in the northern hemisphere. [I say "currently" because under the precession of the equinoxes, the correspondence between this star and the North Pole last "only" a few centuries].
Methods must first find the Great Bear (or Big Dipper) and then extend the segment consists of the last two stars of the Big Dipper for 5 times its length. Come across as Polaris, which is the last star of Ursa Minor (or Little Dipper). A word that sounds complicated, but I hope that this image
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Steam Mop Shower Walls
Chastity chastity and abstinence
past mesi sono pervenuti solo due commenti sul video di Jason & Crystalina sulla castità (per vederlo e/o scaricarlo vedi il post precedente ), ma quando sono andato a pubblicare il secondo, mi sono accorto che il sistema ha qualche problema e già il precedente non lo aveva pubblicato.
Allora ho deciso di dedicare un post ad ogni commento significativo, aggiungendoci le mie risposte e considerazioni. Inizio da Annalaura , che è rimasta (involontariamente — chiedo scusa) in attesa dal 14 gennaio, poi toccherà al commento di V. del 7 marzo.
Il 14/1/2010 Annalaura scrive:
The book If You Really Loved Me , Jason Evert, begins with this question: there is a difference between chastity and abstinence?
By abstinence we are referring to the mere fact of "abstain", ie not to take certain actions. Chastity, however, concerns the broader question of the proper use of our capacity to love. So a person may be abstinent but not chaste, for example because his withdrawal is imposed by external factors (health, of isolation, shyness etc.). but inwardly unwanted and even painful, and perhaps offset by the imagination. Likewise, a person can be chaste and abstemious, that the spouses make a right use of their capacity to love ... loving, even with the body in their case, chastity is not (normally) abstinence.
Thus, in the case of an unmarried person would be simplistic to say that her chastity coincides with the withdrawal. Certainly will refrain, but must also cultivate the right use of the heart, the ability to self-giving and sacrifice, must learn to love others, guarding the disordered passions, eyes, imagination ... Much more (and I would say very meglio) che la sola astinenza.
past mesi sono pervenuti solo due commenti sul video di Jason & Crystalina sulla castità (per vederlo e/o scaricarlo vedi il post precedente ), ma quando sono andato a pubblicare il secondo, mi sono accorto che il sistema ha qualche problema e già il precedente non lo aveva pubblicato.
Allora ho deciso di dedicare un post ad ogni commento significativo, aggiungendoci le mie risposte e considerazioni. Inizio da Annalaura , che è rimasta (involontariamente — chiedo scusa) in attesa dal 14 gennaio, poi toccherà al commento di V. del 7 marzo.
Il 14/1/2010 Annalaura scrive:
Io sono sicura di poche cose della vita, solo di una cosa sono sicura: perché la vita abbia un senso e perché tutto non può essere fine a se stesso, credo in qualcosa che è più grande di me, chiamato Dio che è l'amante e noi siamo gli amati di un amore divino perché diverso da quello inteso comunemente.
Lo spirito d'amore è l'amore vero che non finisce mai perché va coltivato ogni giorno con la scelta continua minuto per minuto della strada più difficile, consapevoli di essere nel giusto perché non ce ne può essere un'altra per le persone essenziali, serie e motivate di questo mondo.
Condivido in pieno tutto quanto il film peraltro importantissimo, a mio avviso. Mi manca solo un chiarimento: the difference, which I understand you do between chastity and abstinence. Why are not the same thing? Maybe chastity in marriage is called abstinence?
The book If You Really Loved Me , Jason Evert, begins with this question: there is a difference between chastity and abstinence?
By abstinence we are referring to the mere fact of "abstain", ie not to take certain actions. Chastity, however, concerns the broader question of the proper use of our capacity to love. So a person may be abstinent but not chaste, for example because his withdrawal is imposed by external factors (health, of isolation, shyness etc.). but inwardly unwanted and even painful, and perhaps offset by the imagination. Likewise, a person can be chaste and abstemious, that the spouses make a right use of their capacity to love ... loving, even with the body in their case, chastity is not (normally) abstinence.
Thus, in the case of an unmarried person would be simplistic to say that her chastity coincides with the withdrawal. Certainly will refrain, but must also cultivate the right use of the heart, the ability to self-giving and sacrifice, must learn to love others, guarding the disordered passions, eyes, imagination ... Much more (and I would say very meglio) che la sola astinenza.
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