Now I start to write more technical or personal. I have no claim to provide detailed information or "absolute" for what you buy a good manual - and there are several. But it may be interesting to throw down something simple that maybe you can come in handy during a trip or an excursion.
Orienting means, in other words, finding a fixed point reference by which to understand where you are and where you are going, thus reducing the chances of getting lost. Leaving aside the difference between true north and magnetic north
, I will comment, for now, more general. The classic method of orientation is to use a compass that indicates, as we all know, the North. There are also other ways to approach
, day and night.
One of my favorites is one that is based on identifying the
Polaris, which by its position in the sky is currently a projection of the celestial north pole, then the only reference in the northern hemisphere. [I say "currently" because under the precession of the equinoxes, the correspondence between this star and the North Pole last "only" a few centuries].
Methods must first find the Great Bear (or Big Dipper) and then extend the segment consists of the last two stars of the Big Dipper for 5 times its length. Come across as Polaris, which is the last star of Ursa Minor (or Little Dipper). A word that sounds complicated, but I hope that this image
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