Cera and confusion
Wax: "no fuss nell'UDC of captains." E believe it: after all those expulsions there is no one left ...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Novelty Birthday Cake Recipes
Swingsets Playsets Blueprints
liquorice liqueur
Descrizione: fin'ora avevo fatto in casa solo il liquore al cioccolato ... Then recently I read on the blog "notes of chocolate liquor recipe with licorice root and finally last night I made HERE find the recipe, below I describe my differs from that of its almost nothing :-)))

- 650ml water
- 100g of pure licorice extra strong sweets cylindrical
- 300g sugar
- 250ml of alcohol for liquor at 95 °
- pour water into a small saucepan
- chop lightly in a blender and pour in the water licorice
- put the pot on low heat and stir until completely dissolved
- add towards the end sugar and melt
- cool
- join alcohol and mix
- pay to fill the bottle to filter it through a colander placed in a funnel
- Always shake before serving
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Excessive Gas More Condition_symptoms
Lately I write little and I do not know whether it is due to lack of time, like it or, worse, of Life. This will be the last event of 2010, but I care very little, as all the rest. Some people do budgets come to the end of the year, some new formula purposes. I have always had little interest in this. And then have a few words in recent days.
loss. Here, I also have my
. E stasera dedico tutto a Lei, alla mia sconfitta migliore, levando in silenzio una coppa vuota che non potrà annegare le mie malinconie. Perdita
Friday, January 21, 2011
Stainless Coffee Metal Poison
Apartment Foggiano
Episode 01 - Apartment Foggiano from jrstudio on Vimeo .
Here the second and third episode
Episode 01 - Apartment Foggiano from jrstudio on Vimeo .
Here the second and third episode
Monday, January 17, 2011
Where To Buy Peanut Oil In Ohio
10 semi-serious considerations on the Friends of the Sunday news
I attended, con moglie e bambini, alle due iniziative degli “Amici della Domenica”. Visto che ho smesso da tempo di scrivere cose serie, provo a dire quello che penso a modo mio, cioè scherzando. Sperando che si capisca l'ironia e nessuno se la prenda...
1. Mi piace che ci siano foggiani che invece che passare il tempo a lamentarsi fanno qualcosa per la città, e mi piace anche che si siano organizzati grazie a facebook. Così la smettono di dire che facebook serve solo per acciaffare... a meno che qualcuno non approfitti delle domeniche mattina proprio per conoscere un po' di bella gente...
2. Ieri mattina l'iniziativa è stata davanti alla Chiesa del Purgatorio. Pare is closed due to bureaucratic problems, but even if it were open there would be no one to get you through a small square so full of dog droppings that looked like a minefield. Mr. Mayor, do not say you have to reopen it, but at least see to clean the shit ...
3. Only a doubt: the first initiative have made it in Piazza Tavuto, the second to the Church of the Dead. Not that there is behind the sponsorship of a firm of Funeral Directors?
4. For those who do not know. The group is called "Friends of Sunday," because we meet on Sunday mornings. Once I was in a group called "Friends of Good Friday" because every week we would bleed to school and we went together to the market, but this has nothing to do ...
5. After the start of last Sunday the town council has taken to heart the issue of Piazza Tavuto (coffin, for non-Foggia) and decided to fix it, something seems to be moved for the Church of the Dead. It is not that next Sunday you can come to my store? there would have to do some 'work ...
6. I read that yesterday Chiarastella did the talk (not the words, sweets). However you have to pull them out when I was already gone ... In my opinion it has agreed with my wife to help my diet ...
7. The best thing are the pictures that Michael snaps Sepalone. It 'so good che riesce a far venire carini anche quelli brutti. Volevo chiedergli se poteva fare qualcosa per far uscire me e Lino Del Carmine coi capelli, ma pensandoci bene quello ha una fotocamera, mica una bacchetta magica...
2. Ieri mattina l'iniziativa è stata davanti alla Chiesa del Purgatorio. Pare is closed due to bureaucratic problems, but even if it were open there would be no one to get you through a small square so full of dog droppings that looked like a minefield. Mr. Mayor, do not say you have to reopen it, but at least see to clean the shit ...
3. Only a doubt: the first initiative have made it in Piazza Tavuto, the second to the Church of the Dead. Not that there is behind the sponsorship of a firm of Funeral Directors?
4. For those who do not know. The group is called "Friends of Sunday," because we meet on Sunday mornings. Once I was in a group called "Friends of Good Friday" because every week we would bleed to school and we went together to the market, but this has nothing to do ...
5. After the start of last Sunday the town council has taken to heart the issue of Piazza Tavuto (coffin, for non-Foggia) and decided to fix it, something seems to be moved for the Church of the Dead. It is not that next Sunday you can come to my store? there would have to do some 'work ...
6. I read that yesterday Chiarastella did the talk (not the words, sweets). However you have to pull them out when I was already gone ... In my opinion it has agreed with my wife to help my diet ...
7. The best thing are the pictures that Michael snaps Sepalone. It 'so good che riesce a far venire carini anche quelli brutti. Volevo chiedergli se poteva fare qualcosa per far uscire me e Lino Del Carmine coi capelli, ma pensandoci bene quello ha una fotocamera, mica una bacchetta magica...
8. Il gruppo facebook sta andando alla grande, ci sono così tanti iscritti che qualcuno ha già iniziato a usarlo per fare pubblicità alla proprie iniziative che non c'entrano nulla. Male che vada per finanziare le attività si può provare a vendere degli spazi pubblicitari...
9. Lo so che vi starete chiedendo se dietro c'è qualche politico. Tranquilli, le finte associazioni che si trasformano in liste civiche di solito nascono poco prima delle elezioni. E poi se ci fosse stato politicians, at least half of the participants were given free tickets to the game of Foggia ...
10. Once in Milan, invited me to an initiative by a group of Communists. I go there, then I was told it was at 8 am on Sunday and I was frightened. These however are seen at least 11 ... Meh, next time you come too, that after we go to take a drink ... But consider that last Sunday I gave me (my wife), and this time it's up to you ...
PS: Ah, I forgot, here is the link of the group 9. Lo so che vi starete chiedendo se dietro c'è qualche politico. Tranquilli, le finte associazioni che si trasformano in liste civiche di solito nascono poco prima delle elezioni. E poi se ci fosse stato politicians, at least half of the participants were given free tickets to the game of Foggia ...
10. Once in Milan, invited me to an initiative by a group of Communists. I go there, then I was told it was at 8 am on Sunday and I was frightened. These however are seen at least 11 ... Meh, next time you come too, that after we go to take a drink ... But consider that last Sunday I gave me (my wife), and this time it's up to you ...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Altzheimers More Condition_symptoms
10 semi-series about Foggia-Lanciano that others will not tell you
now know of Foggia-Lanciano 5-2 (quasi) tutto, scommettiamo che queste cazzate non ve le ha dette nessuno? Lo spero, almeno per la categoria dei giornalisti...
now know of Foggia-Lanciano 5-2 (quasi) tutto, scommettiamo che queste cazzate non ve le ha dette nessuno? Lo spero, almeno per la categoria dei giornalisti...
1. Oggi c'erano i tornelli ma siamo entrati senza grossi problemi, sembravano andare più veloci... Non è che hanno scoperto che si può fare la modifica ai tornelli come alle Playstation?
2. Kone si è finalmente tolto quelle orrende scarpe rosa e le ha sostituite con delle più decenti scarpe arancioni. Prima di fine anno voglio scoprire chi è il suo stilista...
3. Santarelli invece continua a giocare con la maglia da portiere e lo stesso pantaloncino degli altri calciatori. Che hell, they could not draw a uniform better? Mass of the Council to take the designer of Kone ... 0
4. The lawn of Zac sucks. When the company specializzatissima Roman rizollatura finished in less time than expected we all applauded. Not that it was better if they work more calmly?
5. Today at Zaccheria were forty supporters of the launch. Not ultras, those who were not fans of the card. Oh, no two were seated together, one for every three steps ... Shit, it's no fun not even have a chat with your neighbor ... But, they are afraid of the influence and try to stay away from each other?
6. 90% match of Foggia this year is over, "OVER", ie at least 3 goals were scored. I did the accounts: If you had bet earlier in the year 100 € sull'over every game and I reinvest part of earnings today on Sunday I could afford to organize my home one of those parties that Berlusconi is in Arcore. (See the image that have made it to my friend Foggbook Satanello Bologna)
7. Even today, Zeman did play Caccetta. Knowing the Bohemian he will not play until two or three good games in a row and will be able to show that he was right. I appeal to editors: If you could please write that it was the best in the field? So at least we raise him to the back ...
8. In the first 20 minutes Faris has hardly touched the ball, many football experts sitting in my part had already started to say it was a bin and / or that it was not suited to the game of Zeman. Dear genes of football, if you Pavone is on the bench and in turn there must be a reason ... What do you think? I had criticized too? What does it matter, was to encourage it :-)
9. After the goal you have seen the kiss between Illustrious and Rigione? It was to tease the player of the Turks and his wife Lanciano, president of the team, which had celebrated the victory on the outward ... Insigne had said this week that it had given him trouble and he was eager to meet ... Bottom line: it will be too little guy, but you better not make him angry ...
10. At the end of the race, as they left South Bend, the driver of the coach of the Lancaster, parked inside the stadium, got the idea to ask the unfortunate outcome of the game. Do not tell you how they combined what they said about their president ... Next time, if the result is better if he does tell someone on the phone ...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Lice Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Farias left and right
U.S. Foggia. Presented the new signing Farias. He said "I feel good or right a sinistra". Se non gli va bene come calciatore ha comunque un futuro nell'Udc...
U.S. Foggia. Presented the new signing Farias. He said "I feel good or right a sinistra". Se non gli va bene come calciatore ha comunque un futuro nell'Udc...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Coupons Abie Smoked Meat
Daffodil Lament The return of an old friend
Ho più pena di coloro che sognano il probabile, il legittimo e la cosa vicina di quanta non ne abbia di quelli che vaneggiano sul distante e sulle cose estranee. Quelli che sognano in grande, o sono pazzi e credono in quello che sognano e sono felici, o sono semplici vaneggiatori, per i quali il vaneggiamento è una musica dell'anima che li culla senza dir loro niente. "
F. Pessoa
A stupid sun lights up these days. While snowing elsewhere, here is sealed in a climate of perpetual summer end. I want the cold, the true, and to raise the wind waves. I can not stand the disagreement between the climate around and in my climate
. can not synchronize with, to belong to my " here and now." mood changes from morning to evening. fills up my days, I see people, talk to them, sometimes accept their proposals and also I try to smile. But really, I'm not here
. I stayed in my dreams, in my Fable . I do not give in to reality, because for me it is not real. You may never have more skin, perfume, and certain looks certain silences?
call me crazy. But I was there, I have lived. I remember the colors and crisp air. The stones, the roads, the yellow leaves of Autumn. . can not synchronize with, to belong to my " here and now." mood changes from morning to evening. fills up my days, I see people, talk to them, sometimes accept their proposals and also I try to smile. But really, I'm not here
. I stayed in my dreams, in my Fable . I do not give in to reality, because for me it is not real. You may never have more skin, perfume, and certain looks certain silences?

points of view.
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