Friday, February 15, 2008

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The politician who would take beauty

glad I'm not talking about politics. I think it's very wise advice that the founder of Opus Dei priests gave to his children. But listen, and these days you hear so many things ...
Some friends spoke of the politician who wanted to see: an honest, noble in controversy, and no politician with a passion for money, willing to put the interests of the country above his own. For example, sometimes willing to say: "Tom is my opponent, but this thing absolutely right." Who refuses to get involved in stupid arguments and keep the focus on real problems. In short, a utopia.
Plato understood that to make a good politician takes extraordinary qualities, and expressed by reference to the most extraordinary kind of person that he, in his day, could have conceived. He said that the man poliltico ideal is the philosopher.
Listening to my friends I realized that we can go one step further: political ideal man is the holy !


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