Un altro modo per superare la noia è il sesso facile. La nostra cultura è satura of sex and violence, largely because it is full of boredom. A universal boredom, not one that can be connected to a specific repetitive, but all-embracing, like the sky above us, not only leads to sin, but is already a sin in itself. In the Middle Ages called it sloth, one of the seven deadly sins. Sloth is not mere laziness, in fact it is compatible with the absence of laziness "physical". It is the passivity and inactivity of the will and passions, even in the presence of the true good. In other words, is the refusal to accept his soul nourishment. If violence is as nourishing the soul of filth, sloth Anorexia is like the spirit.
Where is sloth? Try going to church one Sunday and then go to a stadium or even a sports field in any category. Compare the passion, interest, energy, involvement of the heart in two places. As spirit, as of themselves is at stake in these two places?
I confess in public, I'm a fan of God, but are much more a fan of my team. I'm much more excited for a sporting victory to victory over the devil. I'm a fool! This is one of the reasons which convince me of the truth of original sin.
We do not realize what is going on when we are in church? We do not know that we are participating in a meeting of conspirators who are plotting a revolution against the "prince of this world"? We do not know that the Great Lion of the tribe of Judah is introduced in secret in those meetings to meet us? Obviously not.
Why do people in the church looks at both of the happy tourists on an organized trip decerebration in the Absolute? Someone at least has a clue what immense power we are invoking with such trivialities? The churches are like children playing with the small chemical explosive . You assurdo che le donne vengano con i loro cappelli eleganti, quando dovremmo indossare elmetti e giubbotti antiproiettile. Dovrebbero mettere le cinture di sicurezza ai banchi, perché il Dio che dorme potrebbe un giorno risvegliarsi a trascinarci in luoghi da cui non c'è ritorno.
Perché ci annoiamo? Cosa manca? Non certo il piacere. Nella nostra società abbiamo sviluppato alla perfezione la capacità di procurarci piacere. Ma nessun piacere soddisfa se è noioso. L'assoluto opposto del piacere non è il dolore, ma la noia. Siamo disposti a correre il rischio di soffrire, pur di rendere più interessante una vita noiosa. Per questo la guerra è interessante. E anche i suoi surrogate civilized sport and gambling, which are nothing more than ritualized risk. It is also the reason why suicide is more frequent among the rich and the poor. Why having a lot of money to make life predictable, manageable, and therefore boring . Life without surprises is not worth living.
then? What is the opposite of woe? Not pleasure, even happiness, but joy . The joy is always assumed as a surprise, even shock. The sentiments opposed to joy - anger, rage, horror, terror - even those are reactions to a shock. Those who meet Jesus prova sempre o gioia, o uno dei suoi opposti. Un anticipo del paradiso o un anticipo dell'inferno. Non tutti quelli che incontrano Gesù ne sono contenti, ma tutti ne sono colpiti, scioccati.
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