Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blurred Vision More Condition_symptoms

"education" sexual

Enrique Monasterio

Education sex grandmother Henrietta

Alvaro has fourteen years and is a nice guy if a little 'tongue. And so he made his gaffe.

He had gone to the country to visit his grandmother, Henrietta, and to take the opportunity to gorge with its own kitchen. In the evening they were seeing all the TV and grandmother showed disapproval of some jokes a bit 'salacious presenter. Alvaro then picked up his face dude with pimples, which works so well with her friends and fired:

-See, grandmother's uncle, the problem is that you have not had sex education classes and six remained a repressed.

Mrs. Henrietta smiled

—O nonnina io, o zio tu...

Non ci fu bisogno di dire altro. Una volta tornato a casa, Alvaro ricevette una lettera.

Carissimo Alvaro,
sai che sei proprio un maleducato, figliolo? Sei anche buono e affettuoso quando vuoi, però ogni tanto la lingua ti si imbroglia, forse perché la lasci troppo sciolta.

Lo so che a quest'ora sarai già dispiaciuto della tua impertinenza di domenica. Non ti preoccupare, non devi chiedermi scusa. Però ho pensato che magari poteva farti bene una risposta serena della tua nonna Enrichetta.

Vedi, Alvaro, oggi durante la messa mi è venuto in mente che dovevo ringraziare Dio per l'educazione I received sex from my parents. Exactly. I am convinced that he had received a first-class sex education.

First lesson gave me four brothers and three sisters ... I do not know if you understand how important this is. Today there are too many only children, like you, who grow up without knowing what a sister. I learned early on that the boys and girls were very different, and even if we all lived together and talked about everything, making no mystery, my parents had put the children in the big room above and below us in the girls. The house was small with only one bathroom and we had some problems, but we never dreamed of sharing it with the boys.

Around thirteen or fourteen years I was a bit 'relaxed with my things, and then one day my mother told me that when I went to the bathroom I had to quit from within.

-Why? Who cares? I said.

Then I spoke of the shame. Obviously I do not remember the whole speech but I stuck with the conclusion:

-See, Henrietta, if someone gives you a jewel, to care for your jewelry. And if it was of great value would you put it in the safe, it treats it as a trinket any, is not it? Well, God has put into your body something more precious than a diamond. Keep them with gratitude as long as your time to donate it for love.

What do you say, Alvaro, you have already studied this subject in school?

Obviously small children we were told that the stork brings them. I also told them that led the Magi. But there was never planned to take it too seriously. Already three years I realized that the "king magician" was father, and that when his mother was growing belly meant he was expecting a child.

Even more important was the lesson that my parents gave me in the way of love. Their love was real and undeniable as the pregnancies of my mother, but he was also modest ... how can I explain? Did not you ever coaxing before us, and even fighting. But we knew that their love was strong as a rock, not a cupid to show. E-understood this was the great lesson-that this love must express itself in an intimate context, sacred, in which no one, not even we children could intrude.

So I learned, for example, that the pacifiers and kissing in public (sorry if they are explicit), as well as being in bad taste, diminish the love, because they take away from its natural environment.

I have not attended any courses to learn that if love is real, not performed in public. It's like treasure hidden in a field that, when one finds him, "back to" hide "before selling everything to buy that field.

Return to hide the love when you find a way to protect it from the horse-trading. Is it to grow like a plant that takes root deeper and extend branches increasingly free and increasingly bear fruit flavored ...
Sorry, got lost in the rhetoric.

Finally, I just wanted to say that "sexual plumbing", as you call your uncle James, he did not explain almost anything, but there was no need. That is the lesson easier to learn and it was beautiful (and teach) with your grandfather.

An affectionate kiss from your grandmother, Henrietta



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