Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Much Is My Change Worth


Aladdin looked around in amazement. Something unusual had expected as well, but not find it: at the heart of ... "this."

He missed the words, concepts, to grasp his situation. He was standing on a white surface, smooth but not slippery, perfectly flat and extended in all directions. Infinity. No irregularities, no relief, even a hint of color ... nothing. And no object: no plants, no animals, no human presence, not even a trace of a presence. A huge empty space, a landscape impeccably smooth. Everywhere I looked, the horizon line describing a perfect white circle, there where that perfect white floor gave way to the gray sky.

Even the sky is perfectly uniform. A light mist gives it a light gray, absolutely the same everywhere. He wanted to orient with the sun would not have been possible in any direction you could see a greater or lesser brightness that would allow to guess the position of the star. The light came from any time in the same way. Obviously his body cast alcuna ombra.

Decise di sondare fino in fondo quella assurdità. Si sedette in terra, a gambe incrociate, stese le braccia nella posizione della meditazione, chiuse gli occhi e respirò a fondo. Lentamente. Senza fretta iniziò ad ascoltare il suo corpo: non sentiva né freddo né caldo, né nell’aria immobile intorno a sé, né in alto – perché nel deserto invece lo senti il sole che di giorno ti brucia sulla pelle e quello stesso calore, di notte, te lo senti succhiare via dal cielo gelido – né dal basso, nella perfetta neutralità di quella strana superficie su cui poggiava.

Annusò l’aria: nessun odore, nessun aroma. Provò a ricordare il salmastro sea, the pungent odor of men and animals hot, all the varieties of flavors and stench of the city. A field after harvest, the wet sand of the desert with the first rain, an oasis in the spring ... He was willing to acknowledge even the most remote hint of a scent, but: nothing.

then try to listen. Envisioned to extend its attention more and more distant. He could hear the breathing of a lizard on a stone's throw, the rustle of a leaf, the beating heart of any addition to its perceived that almost deafening. Still nothing, only the awareness of its presence.

He made a last breath, inhale and then called with Strengths: "Genius!"

He opened his eyes to make eye contact Corps of Engineers, sitting in front of him, copying his position, the arabesque robe of deep blue to contrast the dark red of the carpet beneath him. The Genius smiled smugly and guessing how the application of Aladdin said, "You go, you're free."

"Go where?"

"You choose. You can go wherever you want. You asked me the freedom I have and I made the freest man that ever lived. It should be 'pure'.

Aladdin had long learned not to get angry with the Genie: it was useless. He had also learned not to expect anything important him. But every time it was a hard time controlling his nerves.

"Look, Genius, where should I go here if there is no indication, no reference? Which way is the nearest town? Where is the sea? And for Baghdad, which side? "

Genius, now comfortably reclining on a chaise longue overflowing with pillows of various sizes and colors, seemed surprised.

"Do not you understand? From here you can go in any direction. Everywhere you will find this area perfect, neither too hard nor too soft, with no holes, stones, or any other obstacle that could prevent. No mountain, river, cliff ... nothing that can to renounce any direction if it is the one you want. You are completely free to go wherever you want. "

"Yes, but ..."

The genie was not to be interrupted: "I've thought of everything, you know? No goal that can affect your choice, not even a color change that can stimulate the subconscious preferences, no determination of which direction to head towards or stay away. And then, once perfectly still, because you do not feel pressed by the rising or setting sun, not even any need in your physical body can stand still if you want, but you'll have to stop, nor weariness, nor sleep; no hunger or thirst which could affect your choices. " The genie is

sat up on the chaise longue in the meantime suited to his new position becoming an enveloping armchair in black leather. A folded arms gazed at Aladdin with a satisfied air.

"I've thought of everything, for your full and complete freedom."

"Let me guess. I guess if you took any direction now, though I walk straight for a long time without ever stopping, however, do not hit anything more uniform, this lay perfectly flat. Right? "

" I see that you learn to understand me, "said a compiaciutissimo Genius. "Of course I did not find anything. If you, walking in one direction, at one point saw something - a city, a tree, a camel poo ... - you may want to reach it, or you may decide to avoid it, but that thing would influence your choice. Your maximum freedom requires more complete uniformity. Why freedom is a difficult thing: all this infinite white space is barely sufficient for full expansion of your immense freedom. "

Aladdin was really fun. He knew that when he mentioned the secret of genius from the depths in which it was locked, had been more out of boredom that needs.

"Possibly, genius, you just never fail to understand the needs of a man? What can I do with this freedom empty? If I asked you the freedom it was because I wanted to do something, shut up in prison, I was prevented. I know, like singing a serenade to the Sultan's daughter, stealing the jewels of the wives of Ussuf eating dates on the terrace of a villa at the sea, caressed by the breeze of the sunset. Anything I can do all this from your perfect this freedom? Tell me, where can I find the dates here? Where are the passers-by to target when they spit the seeds? And above all, tell me how far I am from my princess, because without her I do not know what to do with freedom, and even of life. "

The Genius had done very little and looked mortified to Aladdin bottom of its new size.

"Then you refuse this miracle? I must bring you back him into prison where you were? "

" Certainly, and hurry up because it is almost time for the mess and smell that he felt was promising. Before I eat, then I will see how to escape. "

"So I heard your wish?"

"Definitely not. And you know. "

"We are at three?"

"Still three. Until they show some 'common sense'.

"You are insatiable."

"You're incompetent. But I like your company. "

'Well, I must admit that I too go ... a genius. Eh, eh, eh! "

" Unable to renew your too stupid jokes. Come on, hurry up. "

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Fish Stick In A Tux

Aut aut (2)

inwardness, reflection
Sören Kierkegaard, Aut aut

I never denied your great spiritual gifts, as you can see from the fact that very often because I blamed you have misused. You are witty, ironically, a good observer, dialectical, an expert in pleasure, the moment you time, you under the circumstances, sentimental or heartless, but, with all this, only ever live in the moment, your life is undone in a loose series of episodes you can not explain it. If one wants to learn to enjoy the art is absolutely right that goes to you, but if you want to understand your life, is not directed to the appropriate person.

Cervical Stenosis More Condition_symptoms

Aut aut (3)

Sören Kierkegaard, Aut aut

imagine a girl in love with all your soul, whose eyes do not know other joy the loved one, whose soul has no other thought that he, whose heart has no other desire than to belong to him, for whom nothing, nothing in heaven or on earth, it matters if not him, so here we have, again, a conception of aesthetic life, in the condition is placed outside the individual himself. (...) It is certain that many a love like this is wonderful. Later explaing why you do not approve.

Qe03 Miyashita Anna Avi

Aut aut

Sören Kierkegaard, Aut aut

As an heir, even if the heir of all the riches of this world, not the first to have come of age, so the richest personality is nothing until you have chosen herself, and, on the other hand, even what might be called the most miserable personality, everything is when it chose itself. The size, in fact, does not consist in this or that, but being himself, and that all he can if he wants.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Avian Flu More Condition_symptoms


(modesty, intimacy)
U MBERTO G ALIMBERTI , Guests disturbing , Feltrinelli 2007. Chapter 6. The advertising intimacy (pp. 57-64)

"If we call" intimate "what is denied to grant it to the stranger who wants to enter his own deep secret and often unknown to ourselves, then modesty, which protects our privacy, also defends our freedom . And he defends in that nucleus, where our identity staff decide what kind of relationship establish with the other " (57) .

"As others are hopelessly exposed (...), modesty is an attempt to maintain their subjectivity so that they themselves secretly in the presence of others. (...) Intimacy should be discreet and not reveal in full their underwear, so do not dissolve the mystery that, if fully revealed, not only extinguished the source of fascination, but also the fence of our identity, which at this point is no longer available even for us " (58) .

[Many young people exchange their identity with what appears with their public image. I have if I appear . This error leads to the dissolution of identity.] (see 58s.)

'[Of reality show:] transmissions that we consider more pornographic pornography itself, because baring one's soul is worse than bare his own body " (59) .

«Il pudore, prima di una faccenda di mutande che uno può cavarsi o infilarsi quando vuole, è una faccenda d'anima che, una volta de-psicologizzata, perché si sono fatte cadere le pareti che difendono il dentro dal fuori, l'interiorità dall'esteriorità, non esiste semplicemente più» (62s.) .

[Due identificazioni pericolose, già pienamente in atto nella nostra società: 1. sincerità = spudoratezza; 2. pudore = repressione.]

[La de-psicologizzazione (ie soppressione dell'intimità personale) porta direttamente all'omologazione: dato che non penso, non sento, non desidero independently, I think, feel and want what is generally thought so. in my room.]

Monday, March 24, 2008

Wiewiórki Hodowlane

Mastrocola (quotations)

Paola Mastrocola, the more distant moon

sometimes happens with clothes, you speak and then it is done: you have to buy them. It is not vanity, I'm not vain. It is necessary that the clothes I say. They are the ones who feel alone, you see the absolute need arises and you take them, uprooting them from unnecessary solitude . (164)

do not know why I liked so much the statues. I've always liked. Perhaps because they are still always in the same pose: if you smile, smile, if they have a raised hand, holding it up, never returning it to him that are lowered. Certainties are of the statues. They never change. Maybe that's why I liked: I could go and find a hundred times, they were always the same . (166)

Perhaps a story depends on how the stories, and to whom. A Ghitti I had told well, because she was my great friend. Or, since it was my great friend, by any means gliel'avessi told, went to brush. But one day if I could tell it to anyone, even people unfriendly to strangers, then it would become a good story . (190)

I wish all my commissionassero statue, invece la gente se la cava con una lapide e basta; le interessa incidere grande il nome, la data, quattro parole al morto, così tanto per dirgli ancora qualcosa, anzi, perché gli altri vedano bene in rilievo che loro gli dicono ancora qualcosa, al loro morto. E allora incidono le tiritere solite: Sei sempre nei nostri cuori, Riposa in pace, Beato nella vera vita, I tuoi cari dolenti...
Mai che qualcuno scriva qualcosa di un po' più diretto e vivo, qualcosa tipo:
Mi manchi da morire, Non vedo l'ora di raggiungerti, Perché mi hai fatto questo, Stronzo mi hai lasciata sola, E adesso come faccio . No. Mai incisa una lapide così . (269)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sailboat Diagram With Labeled Parts

March 19

Edith Stein

heavy burden on us and obscure the sky.
is therefore eternal night and do not ever shine more light for us?
The Father of us has turned its back up there? Like a nightmare
ties the heart the need.
There is no place in a savior who can help?
Watch, a ray, victorious, pierces the clouds, looking down friendship with a bright little star as a benevolent eye of Father and mild.
So I collect everything we fear, lifting it up and lay it down in your faithful hands: Take
San Jose, think about it! Strong storms

dazed in the country.
Oaks in the heart of the earth sinking roots and superb uplifting to heaven hair, now lie svelte and crashed, the terror of the devastation around, not even shakes the storm the fortress of faith?
will break their sacred pillars?
Our arm is weak, those who support them?
Suppliants raise their hands to you: You
, like Abraham, the father of faith,
strong in the simplicity of the child, miraculously powerful force obedience and pure sense:
protection of the holy temple of the new Covenant,
Protect it, San
Joseph, think about it!

When we walk out of the country and from house to house search for accommodation, then preceded you, faithful guide, You traveling companion of the Most Pure Virgin, Thou faithful caring Father of the Son of God, Bethlehem and Nazareth, Egypt will be the same whether you are home with us, wherever you are, here is the blessing of heaven.
As children follow your footsteps,
shake your hands boldly
Be thou our country:
San Jose, think about it!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Lump In Throat And Slight Temperature


Dostoevsky, The Idiot, II, 9.

Pazzi, vain, do not believe in God, believe in Christ! But you are so rosi
by vanity and pride that you're going to devour one another, there
preach it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mag Innovision 770pf Driver

Works Lenten

S. Pietro Crisologo, Sermo 43 (Uff. Lett.., mart III sett quaresima)

Perché solo il latino riesce ad esprimere bene certe cose?

Tria sunt, tria, fratres, per quæ stat fides, constat devotio, manet virtus. Oratio, ieiunium misericordia. Quod oratio pulsat, impetrat ieiunium, misericordia accipit. Oratio, misericordia, ieiunium, sunt hæc tria unum, dant hæc sibi invicem vitam.

Est namque orationis anima ieiunium, ieiunii vita misericordia est. Hæc nemo rescindat, nesciunt separari. Horum qui unum tantum habet, vel ista qui simul non habet, nihil habet.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cervical Disc Disease More Condition_symptoms

The politician who would take beauty

glad I'm not talking about politics. I think it's very wise advice that the founder of Opus Dei priests gave to his children. But listen, and these days you hear so many things ...
Some friends spoke of the politician who wanted to see: an honest, noble in controversy, and no politician with a passion for money, willing to put the interests of the country above his own. For example, sometimes willing to say: "Tom is my opponent, but this thing absolutely right." Who refuses to get involved in stupid arguments and keep the focus on real problems. In short, a utopia.
Plato understood that to make a good politician takes extraordinary qualities, and expressed by reference to the most extraordinary kind of person that he, in his day, could have conceived. He said that the man poliltico ideal is the philosopher.
Listening to my friends I realized that we can go one step further: political ideal man is the holy !

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Myamee Flavor Of Love

shocking shocking beauty (2) christmas


Un altro modo per superare la noia è il sesso facile. La nostra cultura è satura of sex and violence, largely because it is full of boredom. A universal boredom, not one that can be connected to a specific repetitive, but all-embracing, like the sky above us, not only leads to sin, but is already a sin in itself. In the Middle Ages called it sloth, one of the seven deadly sins. Sloth is not mere laziness, in fact it is compatible with the absence of laziness "physical". It is the passivity and inactivity of the will and passions, even in the presence of the true good. In other words, is the refusal to accept his soul nourishment. If violence is as nourishing the soul of filth, sloth Anorexia is like the spirit.

Where is sloth? Try going to church one Sunday and then go to a stadium or even a sports field in any category. Compare the passion, interest, energy, involvement of the heart in two places. As spirit, as of themselves is at stake in these two places?

I confess in public, I'm a fan of God, but are much more a fan of my team. I'm much more excited for a sporting victory to victory over the devil. I'm a fool! This is one of the reasons which convince me of the truth of original sin.

We do not realize what is going on when we are in church? We do not know that we are participating in a meeting of conspirators who are plotting a revolution against the "prince of this world"? We do not know that the Great Lion of the tribe of Judah is introduced in secret in those meetings to meet us? Obviously not.

Why do people in the church looks at both of the happy tourists on an organized trip decerebration in the Absolute? Someone at least has a clue what immense power we are invoking with such trivialities? The churches are like children playing with the small chemical explosive . You assurdo che le donne vengano con i loro cappelli eleganti, quando dovremmo indossare elmetti e giubbotti antiproiettile. Dovrebbero mettere le cinture di sicurezza ai banchi, perché il Dio che dorme potrebbe un giorno risvegliarsi a trascinarci in luoghi da cui non c'è ritorno.

Perché ci annoiamo? Cosa manca? Non certo il piacere. Nella nostra società abbiamo sviluppato alla perfezione la capacità di procurarci piacere. Ma nessun piacere soddisfa se è noioso. L'assoluto opposto del piacere non è il dolore, ma la noia. Siamo disposti a correre il rischio di soffrire, pur di rendere più interessante una vita noiosa. Per questo la guerra è interessante. E anche i suoi surrogate civilized sport and gambling, which are nothing more than ritualized risk. It is also the reason why suicide is more frequent among the rich and the poor. Why having a lot of money to make life predictable, manageable, and therefore boring . Life without surprises is not worth living.

then? What is the opposite of woe? Not pleasure, even happiness, but joy . The joy is always assumed as a surprise, even shock. The sentiments opposed to joy - anger, rage, horror, terror - even those are reactions to a shock. Those who meet Jesus prova sempre o gioia, o uno dei suoi opposti. Un anticipo del paradiso o un anticipo dell'inferno. Non tutti quelli che incontrano Gesù ne sono contenti, ma tutti ne sono colpiti, scioccati.

C.r.e.s.t. Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Start the transcript of a recent conference Kreeft, entitled "Shocking Beauty". I do not know if I will complete it, because it is a job too long. The audio of the conference, in English, is located on the site Kreeft: www.peterkreeft.com

At the end of my book Socrates meets Jesus, Socrates is, no one knows how the faculty of theology at Harvard and is a very embarrassing question. He came to Christianity with the reasoning, honest by asking questions and going all the way on every issue.

The puzzling question is "where are all Christians?". Surely in this faculty of theology there must be someone because they are so nascosti?

Se il cristianesimo è vero tutto cambia. Proprio le ultime parole del Signore, in Ap 21,5, sono "Ecco io faccio nuove tutte le cose". Nel film di Gibson, Gesù spiega a sua madre la necessità di tutto quello che sta facendo, con questa frase: "Vedi, Madre, come faccio nuove tutte le cose?" Cristo ha cambiato ogni uomo che ha incontrato. Ha spaccato in due la storia, dividendola in "aC" e "dC" e inserendo in mezzo l'eternità. Se uno afferma di averlo incontrato e non ne è stato cambiato, è che non l'ha incontrato. Toccare lui è toccare un fulmine. Socrate è stupito perché non vede i segni delle bruciature.

Incontrare Gesù è fulminante. La causa dello shock è la sua presenza reale. I segni si dovrebbero notare nella Chiesa e nel mondo, se solo glielo permettessimo.

" Scioccante" è l'opposto di "noioso". Gesù è l'unico uomo nella storia che non abbia mai annoiato nessuno. Non è una verità di fede, è un fatto. Un motivo in più per credere nella sua divinità. In fondo questa è la ragione ultima dello shock e della singolarità di questo shock. È come se Macbeth incontrasse, non il fantasma di Banquo o MacDuff, ma Shakespeare; come se Frodo incontrasse, non Gandalf o Aragorn, ma Tolkien!

Mi like to point out three of the empirical facts and verifiable figures to show that Jesus is neither a liar nor a fool: his psychological practice wisdom, his goodness and love, and perhaps the most dramatic and significant of the three, his being interesting. In the Gospel, the word being used is thauma , wonder. Applies to its enemies that they killed him, for his disciples who loved him, and even agnostics who walked away shaking his head: "Never a man spoke like this man." They knew that if he continued it would need to take a position, or for those who killed him or her worshipers. The shock of Jesus breaks my heart in two and force you to choose which of the two halves follow. Jesus was never boring.

Boredom is a major psychological problems of today. I suspect that boredom is a major cause of violence, war and hatred. Nobody gets bored while you are killing or planning the killing of someone else. Remember how they had become suddenly interesting our newscasts when we started our last skirmishes? Do you not see the group of demons bored sitting in the basement of our unconscious, looking for trouble? "Hey, yesterday was a pizza. What we do domani?" "Che ne dite di vestirci con buffe divise, procurarci dei fucili, andare in un grande campo e ucciderci a vicenda?" "Oh, sì, che bella idea!"

Chiunque abbia dei bambini sa che pericolo  sia la noia. L'unico modo efficace per far star buoni i bambini è suscitare il loro interesse. I bambini annoiati combinano sempre dei guai. E noi adulti siamo solo grossi bambini, mimetizzati sotto diversi strati di socializzazione.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sinus Infection Increase Toronto

spiritualità, Maria
Erri De Luca, In nome della Madre (2006), Feltrinelli 2007.

"Miriàm, sai cos'è la grazia?" "Non di preciso", risposi.
"(...) È la forza sovrumana di affrontare il mondo da soli senza sforzo,
sfidarlo a duello tutto intero senza neanche spettinarsi. Non è femminile, è
dote dei profeti. È un dono e tu l'hai avuto. Chi lo possiede è affrancato
da ogni timore. (...) Thou art full of grace. Around you there is a barrier
of grace, a fortress. You the scatter, Miriam on me. "

(...) "You are smitten, Iosef.

"To them you're stumbling block for me are the cornerstone from which to start
the house."

(...) "Where do you get the strength to stand by Excessive Force, Iosef? "
" From you, "he says.

Pokemon Contact Lenses

could be the weight of words full of grace

De Luca, in the name ...

[Words] They carry weight and yet I'm breathless. (...) Yet ours, you see?
Breath and goes up.

And the words no, once they get out they put out the weight. Those of a
announcement brought you to me, those of a prophet danno ordini al futuro.

Write Community Service Letter


story could be the story of a great gladiator.
was the first thought when I saw the instructor. The physicist was and
sixteen, would develop a little more '. And then there was the look and the attitude
everything: cute, confident, determined.
And then he was free. The games were so loved by all that happened sometimes
to find some young decided to try free. Rarely, however, went beyond
some training and some friendly combat. But
work seriously with a free man, really decided to become a gladiator
... the instructor knew that he could be a great satisfaction.
And this here was run away from home, and to make sure he had come this far, far away from his
, because they could not ever find him.
could be the story of a great gladiator.
The instructor put to the test. A short fight to see which
level recedes. If he drew pretty well, but above all showed agility,
intuition, intelligence. There was talent. Really could be the story of a great
gladiator. Perhaps one of those very large. Of those who
remember. He decided to take it.
long as you stay with me for all my slave. To guarantee your
write you a driver's release, but if you show it or talk to anyone
six out immediately. I treat you all like the other slaves.
The workouts are hard and in turn have to do all other work. If we're
and I think you agree that in a couple of years you will be ready to make your figure
A couple of years? But I know already fighting, thou hast seen. I do not want
soften in your gym as a stupid son of a senator.
Gladiators become killing, not playing with his classmates.
You will enter the field when I tell you, or you can leave
also suffered.
accepted. But relations were not good. The talent was there, but also a lot of pride
. And never missed an opportunity to return to ask to go
arena. Not many weeks passed
the instructor loses patience.
the boy deserved a punishment and the punishment was "games". A second instructor
punishment, a punishment also second the other slaves.
for him, however, was the big time. It would become a great gladiator.
opponent made a wrong move. A real coward. The audience would
insulted, he knew. Insulted and live better ... The career of the young gladiator
ran out in those few minutes.
could be the story of a great gladiator ...

Autism More Condition_symptoms Vaccines

what will be able to love?

Romano Guardini, Il Signore (Der Herr. Betrachtungen über die Person und das
Leben Jesu Christi, 1937), Morcelliana - VeP 2005.

Nessuna delle cose grandi nella vita umana è scaturita dal mero
pensare; tutte dal cuore e dall'amore che vi nasce. (...) Ora, però, quando
è Dio, che in questo caso ama? Quando sono la profondità e la possanza di
Dio, che si innalzano - Then what will be able to love? On a glorious magnificence
so big that to him, which does not move
love, need to appear foolish and senseless.

Crochet Wreath Pattern

De Luca, In nome...

Il bue ha muggito piano, l'asina ha sbatacchiato forte le orecchie. È stato
un applauso di bestie il primo benvenuto al mondo di Ieshu, figlio mio. Non
ho chiamato Iosef. Gli avevo promesso un figlio all'alba ed era ancora
notte. Fino alla prima luce Ieshu è solamente mio. È solamente mio: voglio
cantare una canzone con queste tre parole e basta. Stanotte qui a Bet Lèhem
è solamente mio.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blurred Vision More Condition_symptoms

"education" sexual

Enrique Monasterio

Education sex grandmother Henrietta

Alvaro has fourteen years and is a nice guy if a little 'tongue. And so he made his gaffe.

He had gone to the country to visit his grandmother, Henrietta, and to take the opportunity to gorge with its own kitchen. In the evening they were seeing all the TV and grandmother showed disapproval of some jokes a bit 'salacious presenter. Alvaro then picked up his face dude with pimples, which works so well with her friends and fired:

-See, grandmother's uncle, the problem is that you have not had sex education classes and six remained a repressed.

Mrs. Henrietta smiled

—O nonnina io, o zio tu...

Non ci fu bisogno di dire altro. Una volta tornato a casa, Alvaro ricevette una lettera.

Carissimo Alvaro,
sai che sei proprio un maleducato, figliolo? Sei anche buono e affettuoso quando vuoi, però ogni tanto la lingua ti si imbroglia, forse perché la lasci troppo sciolta.

Lo so che a quest'ora sarai già dispiaciuto della tua impertinenza di domenica. Non ti preoccupare, non devi chiedermi scusa. Però ho pensato che magari poteva farti bene una risposta serena della tua nonna Enrichetta.

Vedi, Alvaro, oggi durante la messa mi è venuto in mente che dovevo ringraziare Dio per l'educazione I received sex from my parents. Exactly. I am convinced that he had received a first-class sex education.

First lesson gave me four brothers and three sisters ... I do not know if you understand how important this is. Today there are too many only children, like you, who grow up without knowing what a sister. I learned early on that the boys and girls were very different, and even if we all lived together and talked about everything, making no mystery, my parents had put the children in the big room above and below us in the girls. The house was small with only one bathroom and we had some problems, but we never dreamed of sharing it with the boys.

Around thirteen or fourteen years I was a bit 'relaxed with my things, and then one day my mother told me that when I went to the bathroom I had to quit from within.

-Why? Who cares? I said.

Then I spoke of the shame. Obviously I do not remember the whole speech but I stuck with the conclusion:

-See, Henrietta, if someone gives you a jewel, to care for your jewelry. And if it was of great value would you put it in the safe, it treats it as a trinket any, is not it? Well, God has put into your body something more precious than a diamond. Keep them with gratitude as long as your time to donate it for love.

What do you say, Alvaro, you have already studied this subject in school?

Obviously small children we were told that the stork brings them. I also told them that led the Magi. But there was never planned to take it too seriously. Already three years I realized that the "king magician" was father, and that when his mother was growing belly meant he was expecting a child.

Even more important was the lesson that my parents gave me in the way of love. Their love was real and undeniable as the pregnancies of my mother, but he was also modest ... how can I explain? Did not you ever coaxing before us, and even fighting. But we knew that their love was strong as a rock, not a cupid to show. E-understood this was the great lesson-that this love must express itself in an intimate context, sacred, in which no one, not even we children could intrude.

So I learned, for example, that the pacifiers and kissing in public (sorry if they are explicit), as well as being in bad taste, diminish the love, because they take away from its natural environment.

I have not attended any courses to learn that if love is real, not performed in public. It's like treasure hidden in a field that, when one finds him, "back to" hide "before selling everything to buy that field.

Return to hide the love when you find a way to protect it from the horse-trading. Is it to grow like a plant that takes root deeper and extend branches increasingly free and increasingly bear fruit flavored ...
Sorry, got lost in the rhetoric.

Finally, I just wanted to say that "sexual plumbing", as you call your uncle James, he did not explain almost anything, but there was no need. That is the lesson easier to learn and it was beautiful (and teach) with your grandfather.

An affectionate kiss from your grandmother, Henrietta


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Klinefelter Syndrome More Condition_symptoms



stuck in traffic I turn on the radio to listen to some ' Music. I'm already to insert the CD, but in the meantime is playing the voice of radio. Someone is not commenting on the Pope's visit to La Sapienza. I'm interested in: I leave the disc resting there.

The conductor is interviewing a professor. The luminary says: "Although the Pope is not particularly confrontational ..."

I start the music. Better than Shakira!