10 semi-serious considerations about Foggia-Juve and Gela
1. (Only serious) I think the Foggia should say, "between now and end of the season:
a) we do not throw the ball out if someone is hurt.
b) we do not demand that others throw if there is one of our who was hurt
c) if someone throws out to know that we do not refund.
d) Zaccheria to ask the ball boy to retrieve the ball as quickly as possible, regardless of the outcome.
2. Tuttosport speak of "thieves". It 's amazing, as if speaking of Berlusconi's family at a conference of Reformed Christians (ah, no, I say that has not)
3. Yesterday Santarelli match. When you say a true fighter ... Wrestling ...
4. In Gela bench there was a guy on crutches. Mo says that just before the fight that his legs were good ...
5. A guy on crutches on the sidelines. Must thank the turmoil that we have not let frigates ...
6. No, no, mi chiedevo come avrebbero reagito il calciatori del Gela se quel gol Biancolino l'avesse fatto a loro. Da "pilastro dell'attacco del Cosenza" l'avrebbero trasformato in "pilastro" e basta.
7. Quando all'entrata dopo mezz'ora di fila mi sono lamentato col poliziotto mi ha risposto "dalle 12 alle 12.30 c'era poca gente, potevi venire a quell'ora". E io che le barzellette le raccontavo sui Carabinieri...
8. La partita è finita in anticipo, ad un certo punto l'arbitro ha suonato il gong (Franco Foggia su Foggbook)
9. A me sembra evidente che il pestaggio a Docente si inquadra nell'attacco di Berlusconi alla scuola pubblica (Manrico Trovatore su Foggbook)
10. Foggia-Gela finisce 2-2. Peers also the account of the punches. (Giuà on Foggbook)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Ocular Migraine More Condition_symptoms
Juventus is playing so badly that Salatto is thinking in his spot on Teleblu, to modify the phrase "Juve is in the heart of the Italians" with " Juve is in the liver of the Italians. "
PS: Okay, other than that, you spot what you saw? I when I heard: "The Venetians are generous," I thought, MO starts to say "the Genoese are peel, the tortellini Bolognese can do (and not only). ... Makkedah
Juventus is playing so badly that Salatto is thinking in his spot on Teleblu, to modify the phrase "Juve is in the heart of the Italians" with " Juve is in the liver of the Italians. "
PS: Okay, other than that, you spot what you saw? I when I heard: "The Venetians are generous," I thought, MO starts to say "the Genoese are peel, the tortellini Bolognese can do (and not only). ... Makkedah
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Writing A Cover Letter For Dental Program
Description: very satisfied with the mix of my meatloaf , when I read the collection of yeast and flour Fantasia ... I thought it lent itself well to being stuffed in various ways, I used a quantity less meat for fear that they did not like anyone, but even my mom is skeptical strapiaciuto

- 500g ground beef from selected adult
- 250g minced veal
- 1 egg
- salt and nutmeg
- grated Parmesan cheese
- hazelnuts
- smoked fontina or
- pears Abbot
- mix with the ever in a bowl, the two meat
- mixing the egg, salt and nutmeg
- combine Parmesan cheese until the mixture is smooth and compact
- tritare una manciata di nocciole da amalgamare all'impasto
- stendere ora la carne su un foglio di carta forno
- pulire una pera grande e metterla nel mixer a dadini con sale e noce moscata
- stendere sulla carne la purea ottenuta, lasciando una cornice di 1cm e 1/2
- stenderci sopra anche il formaggio a fette
- e al centro posizionare delle nocciole intere

- roll being careful that the filling does not spill (more flatten the frame)
- also be careful that the strip remains at the heart of hazelnuts
- seal with hands to the right side and the end to compact the meat loaf
- place it in a pan covered with parchment paper
- bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour
- drain any liquid from the meat loaf products
- serve sliced \u200b\u200binto slices 1cm and 1/2in so that there is a hazelnut in the center of each
- seems strange and unusual but it is perfect to serve with pears and eat it in pieces or otherwise a salad made with pears
is a dish not born as an experiment in which I would bet anything but ... I'll just make it because it is a perfect combination of flavors, mixing the meat tender and not stringy features some crunchy hazelnuts that melts your heart when it comes to soft pear not sweet but delicate ending with a whole hazelnut tender and no more rustic ...
an 'idea, then, is to make the meatballs in a single bite to eat ... Yes! resurface before the end of the winter so this recipe ... now participating in the contest "fruit in the pot"

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dumping Syndrome More Condition_symptoms
BIGNE 'RICE celiac
Description: are intolerant to wheat, I found that many are , and there are also many gluten-free ... replaced as often classic meal with alternative flours, often the result does not change, but other wheat is irreplaceable, unless you make changes ... with these cream puffs there was no need for any changes, I followed the recipe for cream puffs alongside replacing wheat flour with rice, I often stock up at home ... I buy from both rice and flour that the mill kammut Chiavazza and I am happy and honored to work with them deserve to be popular because they offer quality affordable

- 110g rice flour
- 110g butter
- 4 eggs
- coconut custard this also can be prepared with the rice flour
- chocolate icing
- put 250ml of water with the butter in a saucepan over medium heat
- when the butter has melted and the water begins to boil, add the flour
- stir with a wooden spoon over low heat until it starts to break away from the walls
- remove from heat and add one egg, mix well before adding the next
- do the same for all 4 eggs
- turn the oven to 200 °
- place of paper cups on baking tray
- riempire con l'impasto ottenuto il sacco a posh
- riempire ora con l'impasto ogni pirottino
- spruzzare d'acqua i bignè ancora crudi e infornarli
- cuocerli per 25 minuti poi abbassare la temperatura a 150° e proseguire per 15 minuti
- sfornare e lasciar raffreddare
- intanto lavare il sacco a posh e preparare la crema
- quando la crema è intiepidita
- Gently remove the cream puffs that are very fragile and drill a hole for the spout until the bag posh
- fill the bag posh cream puffs and fill out one at a time putting them in cups
- prepare the glaze and pour it over cream puffs
- cool

Colon Diseases More Condition_symptoms
Description : I Fritters made of special, and I wanted that particular cream was certainly true that the coconut cream is certainly done in different ways but my version is not super fast to be discarded ...

- 2 egg
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 3 glasses of milk
- powder 3 tablespoons coconut flakes 0
- in a saucepan and mix with a hand whisk the egg yolks with sugar
- slightly warm milk
- combine the flour to the yolks and pour the milk while continuing to mix quickly to avoid lumps
- when all milk has been spilled add the coconut and mix
- place the saucepan over low heat and stir until it thicken
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Triglycerides More Condition_symptoms
stork for ...

Eight months ago
my best friend
discovered he had a life in the womb tiny
as a lentil ...
and eight months
quella vita che si sviluppava
e si preparava a venire al mondo
ha avuto come nome Lenticchia...
per noi resterà sempre Lenticchia
perchè l'abbiamo amata fin da subito
ma per il mondo da oggi
Lenticchia si chiamerà Isabella ...
I had planned to create a beautiful stork birth
this month before the expected date of birth ...
but tonight knowing he was about to be born
I created what you see in the picture,
I only used what I had at home ...
I am proud of it,
morning I left to post
tomorrow and will get through ...
what do you think will suit even if it is not classic?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Duodenal Ulcer More Condition_symptoms
Description: I was eager to use any of the products of Cascina San Cassiano, so I used the pheasant ragout with the first recipe that came in mind ... è stato un piatto insolito ma di gusto, non pensante ma particolare, il vasetto che vedete nella foto sottostante è bastato per 4 di questi sformatini (quelli di alluminio usa e getta)
questo buon ragù pronto è perfetto per condirci pasta lessa,o arricchire un semplice risotto o essere spalmato su pane e crostini

Ingredienti per4:
- 240g di riso
- 2 egg
- saffron
- butter
- chopped onion (one piece)
- white wine
- broth
- grated Parmesan
- breadcrumbs
- a jar of sauce pheasant Cascina San Cassiano
- turn the oven to 200 °
- bring the broth to a boil
- butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs 4 vaschettine Aluminum
- melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion
- toast the rice and blend of white wines
- cover with broth and cook for 10 minutes
- add the saffron dissolved in two tablespoons of broth
- remove from heat when the broth is dry and stir with fomaggio
- join the egg yolks and mix well
- cover the bottom with rice and side of pans aluminum
- ourselves in the middle of a spoonful of sauce pheasant
- cover with more rice and compact
- cospargere di formaggio e infornare fino a doratura per 15 minuti
- sfornarli e farli riposare
- sformarli e servirli con besciamella, o sugo semplice o altra salsa
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Myelodysplastic Syndrome More Condition_symptoms
Descrizione: non avevo mai fatto un polpettone, così una settimana fa impastando senza seguire nessuna ricetta è venuto fuori inaspettatamente un polpettone buono, non secco, non pastoso e non pesante, lo posto per conservarmi la ricetta e per condividerla... ho rifatto the same dough yesterday because I was used to make a recipe for a contest, but as an experiment could be unpleasant (the post it Tuesday) I used a little and the rest has been transformed into a meatloaf to more rounds of filling
so here's the recipe ...

- 1kg of minced beef from selected adult
- 500g minced veal
- 2 eggs
- salt
- pepper
- nutmeg
- much grated parmesan
- 2 ounces of ham
- 2 ounces of sliced \u200b\u200bcheese (fontina or Emmental)
- impastare per bene con le mani le due carni in una ciotola capiente
- sbattere leggermente le uova con sale, pepe e noce moscata
- amalgamare le uova alla carne
- aggiungere man mano parmigiano fin quando l'impasto risulta più liscio e compatto
- stendere l'impasto su un foglio di carta forno
- porre le fette di prosciutto sulla sfoglia di carne lasciando una cornice di 2 cm just
- lay the slices of cheese on the ham
- roll up the meat with the help of the greaseproof paper
- seal for good with his hands openings and side seam
- put in a pan and cover with parchment paper (I was afraid not cuocesse inside and outside burns)
- bake in the oven and set it off 180 °
- cook for about 1 hour since the temperature has been reached
- churn and drain any liquid products from
- keep it aside until ready to prepare the meal by placing it in the middle of a round baking dish with boiled potatoes into pieces and dressed all in oven and cook
- or serve immediately with slices of mashed potatoes or other vegetables
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Signs Of A Stroke More Condition_symptoms
In the ship's direction

I understand that sometimes certain things it's harder said than done. And when you're dancing, if you throw it without thinking too much, then dances even better.
I get a smile that opens more doors of a pick, but also that the firm , the ' order and discipline are essential if you want to reach the goal fixed in advance. I had already realized that the more I move away from the other, the more I can get close to me, but I figured maybe just now (or rather, I had confirmation) that I'm alone I can be happy. Without having to seek my happiness in another person.
I realized that I live in different souls, seemingly in contradiction, but having each a whole is something of me, like a hand, foot and eye. Although so different. And I realized that people tend to trust me, mainly because I can be as silent as a tomb. I understand that
am what I am and I can not wear any masks other than my too long. And I knew just looking around, seeing me in the world around me, even in the little things, and saying " Yes, that I am . Then I realized that I like myself as they are and for that alone I have to be happy .
I realized that almost no one can really understand me, ma di questo me ne curo molto poco.
Tante altre cose ancora non ho capito, ma questo è un Viaggio che, inshallah , forse non finirà mai.
[Stasera in cielo erano chiare le stelle mentre fumavo lentamente la mia pipa. Segnali, simboli, la mia rotta tracciata]
the Sun close to me, lying on a bench in lava rock. Black like my soul. In front of my sea, behind a bushy beard, with songs of seagulls, my breath. I realized that I live in different souls, seemingly in contradiction, but having each a whole is something of me, like a hand, foot and eye. Although so different. And I realized that people tend to trust me, mainly because I can be as silent as a tomb. I understand that
am what I am and I can not wear any masks other than my too long. And I knew just looking around, seeing me in the world around me, even in the little things, and saying " Yes, that I am . Then I realized that I like myself as they are and for that alone I have to be happy .
I realized that almost no one can really understand me, ma di questo me ne curo molto poco.
Tante altre cose ancora non ho capito, ma questo è un Viaggio che, inshallah , forse non finirà mai.
[Stasera in cielo erano chiare le stelle mentre fumavo lentamente la mia pipa. Segnali, simboli, la mia rotta tracciata]
Vinicio Capossela Travel is always more important than the loot. And it's easy to get people back to win and remember if there is something more important. Foose also the only breeze on your face. These days the streets of downtown are clogged because of
party. This morning, true to myself, I rode in the direction opposite to the cheering crowd. In front of my sea I have re-embraced me. Salt and tobacco. Always smile when things and situations around me remind me of who I am, how I live, I will. E 'in moments like this that really the journey continues, the wind fills the sails and the route seems to be a trail of light on paper. A short-sleeved Free.
From the past, pain, memories.
No more tears, no regrets for what I have just lost or perhaps never had. Come and go on this sea. The search continues. This I am. Invincible, as before.
Image, Internet sources.

Image, Internet sources.
Grouting Of Equipment Imagenes
Viareggio Foggia-minute, beat for beat
Today Blue Tele has not delivered the game on satellite, and since the troubles are never just the Our friends who live out of Foggia and follow Foggbook have endured even our jokes ... Here are some:
During the game of Viareggio, in goal for Foggia Ivanov will appear in disguise as a goalkeeper. (Franco Foggia)
Boccalon Vs Salamon :-) (Irene CallMe Ishmael)
Oggi inizia in Carnevale di Viareggio. Se li battiamo al ritorno non ci sarà spazio sul nostro pullman, tutti vorranno salire sul carro del vincitore... (Sandro)
E' già iniziato il Carnevale. L'arbitro ha assegnato un gol buono al Foggia poi ha detto che era uno scherzo... (Sat Bo)
Burrai ha tirato per la maglia Pizza del Viareggio. Si è allungata come una mozzarella filante. (Sat Bo)
Gol annullato in ritardo. Anche l'arbitro guarda la partita in streaming (Angelo Talia)
take advantage of the Carnival. Ivanov not to let anybody near her door in the area launched a dozen vials of stink ... (Sandro)
0-1! Sau has sent a coriander orange ball into the port of Viareggio. (Sat Bo)
0-2! BISSALAMON! (Sat Bo)
0-2! Salamon in diving header! It 's so high that his feet were at the level of rigor and the head in the small ... (Sandro)
0-3! The Viareggio replaces Taormina ..... even the Tuscans change l'avvocato.....(Flora Bozza)
0-4! Vi segnalo che x qualche secondo l'indicatore di teleblu segnava VIAR - FOG 0-34 (Sara Letizia-Renato Gatti) (vedi foto presa da SmallTownFoggia)
E' finita 0-4. Grazie Tele Blu, ora è tutto chiaro, era Play Tv a portare sfiga... (Sandro)
Iniziato ufficialmente il Carnevale di Viareggio. Al ritorno il pullman del Foggia era affollatissimo, tutti volevano salire sul carro del vincitore... (Sandro)
Today Blue Tele has not delivered the game on satellite, and since the troubles are never just the Our friends who live out of Foggia and follow Foggbook have endured even our jokes ... Here are some:
During the game of Viareggio, in goal for Foggia Ivanov will appear in disguise as a goalkeeper. (Franco Foggia)
Boccalon Vs Salamon :-) (Irene CallMe Ishmael)
Oggi inizia in Carnevale di Viareggio. Se li battiamo al ritorno non ci sarà spazio sul nostro pullman, tutti vorranno salire sul carro del vincitore... (Sandro)
E' già iniziato il Carnevale. L'arbitro ha assegnato un gol buono al Foggia poi ha detto che era uno scherzo... (Sat Bo)
Burrai ha tirato per la maglia Pizza del Viareggio. Si è allungata come una mozzarella filante. (Sat Bo)
Gol annullato in ritardo. Anche l'arbitro guarda la partita in streaming (Angelo Talia)
take advantage of the Carnival. Ivanov not to let anybody near her door in the area launched a dozen vials of stink ... (Sandro)
0-1! Sau has sent a coriander orange ball into the port of Viareggio. (Sat Bo)
0-2! BISSALAMON! (Sat Bo)
0-2! Salamon in diving header! It 's so high that his feet were at the level of rigor and the head in the small ... (Sandro)
0-3! The Viareggio replaces Taormina ..... even the Tuscans change l'avvocato.....(Flora Bozza)
0-4! Vi segnalo che x qualche secondo l'indicatore di teleblu segnava VIAR - FOG 0-34 (Sara Letizia-Renato Gatti) (vedi foto presa da SmallTownFoggia)
E' finita 0-4. Grazie Tele Blu, ora è tutto chiaro, era Play Tv a portare sfiga... (Sandro)
Iniziato ufficialmente il Carnevale di Viareggio. Al ritorno il pullman del Foggia era affollatissimo, tutti volevano salire sul carro del vincitore... (Sandro)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Uhf Gasfet Preamplifier
The chasms of Hvar and those of Foggia
Lesina, si fourteen open pits. At Foggia, there is one on Corso Garibaldi, from portions of the City ...
Lesina, si fourteen open pits. At Foggia, there is one on Corso Garibaldi, from portions of the City ...
Myositis More Condition_symptoms
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Florida Gator Birthday Stuff
Description: dinner at 2, and I adore my love spaghetti, I wanted to prepare something in advance, a bit of many ingredients, a new mill e. .. and two new contest ... the novelty is that I had never baked spaghetti, I've cooked in cocotte portion of the contest Imma of "sweets galore" and having regard to all of the ingredients came out a perfect dish for the collection of Eleanor of "butter and honey" .

Serves 2:
- spaghetti
- sugo semplice
- besciamella
- grana grattugiato
- 2 fettine di prosciutto cotto
- 2 fettine di prosciutto crudo
- 1 fettina di carne di vitello cotta
- 1 uovo sodo
- 1 125g mozzarella
- salt
- make the sauce and the sauce (find the recipes in "base" or Click on the ingredients on top)
- bechamel sauce and mix together
- finely chop the individual ingredients

- lead to boil a pot of water by salt
- Boil the noodles for half the cooking time, then drain and put them in a pot with a couple of ladles of sauce bechamel
- mix well and join the chopped ingredients
- take the casserole and pour a thin layer of sauce sprinkled with parmesan

- put the spaghetti in a casserole crimping nests for a few times with fork
- pay couple of tablespoons of sauce on each pile and other grain
- a bit before going to the table bake casserole at 200 ° until it creates a crust on the surface
- let stand few minutes out of the oven before serving

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Bladder Infection More Condition_symptoms Men
ravioli in vegetable broth

sorry the photos from time to time will be blurry
Description: dish that seems especially but is easy, nutritious and perfect for dinners in the winter ... all done at home with the help of tools that I'll describe after
Ingredients for 4:
- 2 potatoes
- 2 carrots
- 1 / 4 of celery
- parsley
- 1 large tomato
- 1 piece of pumpkin (or any other vegetable that advances in the fridge)
- leaves of spinach (or any other vegetables you in advance fridge)
- 1 white onion
- salt
- extra virgin olive oil
- parmesan
- 400g flour 00 (or kammut)
- 2 egg yolks
- clean and wash the vegetables, leaving entire
- take a large pot
- put potatoes, carrots, celery (cut in half if necessary), parsley, tomatoes cut in half, pumpkin, spinach, onion
- cover with water more than 4 cm in their level
- salt and pour a dribble of oil
- place on fire with a lid to a boil, stirring a few times
- simmer 20 minutes after boiling , until the vegetables are well cooked
the broth is ready to be used for risotto or soups for vegetable soup
but I to celebrate my cooperation with the firm Marcato ho voluto usare la "raviolini" che è stato l'accessorio atalas che mi ha regalato il mio Amore 2 anni fa... eccola all'opera con la ricetta di cui vi sto parlando

come ripieno ho prelevato dal brodo tutte le verdure, le ho sgocciolate per bene e le ho ridotte a crema nel tritatutto, le ho amalgamate a tanto grana grattugiato per rendere leggermente compatta la crema (che ho dimenticato di fotografare)...
ovviamente prima di usare la "raviolini" ho impastato la farina alle uova salate e alla giusta acqua che serve per ottenere un impasto liscio compatto ed elastico (non amiamo la pasta that tastes like eggs well as half the usual dose and replace them with water) ...
the paste was converted into a puff of my Atlas mod. 150 bought by my mother in 1988 (I was 4 years hee hee), I always helped her when she used it and now I also like the old white cotton tablecloth that my mother and now I use to roll out the pasta

short for me to use the machines of the brand (because I have others) is fun and easy and I speed up kitchen work performance, and particularly ... and every purchase made by them last a lifetime

ah I have to finish the recipe:
- the ravioli are made let stand 1 / 2 hour
- when dinner is brought to a boil the broth
- you pay the ravioli are cooked in a short time, just let them come to the surface and still taste them
- you can prepare your broth and stuffing as well as ravioli with a day early ... Obviously then the cooking times will lengthen slightly raviolini
Monday, February 14, 2011
Exotic Car Rentals 20910
Courier of the Irpinia 14/02/2011
let the Department of Health
SANT 'Angelo dei Lombardi - It' s a lacerating tear that is consumed within the municipal administration headed by Michael Forte. As of yesterday, in fact, Vincenzo format no longer held the post of commissioner for Health. The resignation letter was delivered yesterday morning in the hands of the mayor. A difficult decision, but thoughtful long. It 'the same format to explain the reasons for his choice.
"In recent years I have always tried to cooperate - he says - I've spent my whole self into this adventure. Recently I felt a little 'cut off from certain choices. "
The mayor already knew from the days of the intention to form.
"The mayor told me to meditate for a few days, but now the decision was made - more - The mayor understands the dynamics that led me to resign. Everyone is free to make their own considerations. "
The decision to resign in the middle of the struggle for the salvation of Criscuoli potrebbe portare qualcuno a criticare la scelta di Formato.
«Sarò pronto a rispondere a questo tipo di critiche - continua - Non voglio passare per capro espiatorio. In caso di attacchi strumentali mi difenderò a denti stretti. Quella di dimettermi è stata una scelta sofferta ma serena. Sono abituato a seguire i miei principi».
Formato chiede rispetto per la propria scelta.
«Il mio non è un atto di irresponsabilità - continua - Semplicemente in questi mesi i miei principi non sono stati osservati. Penso di non aver deluso nessuno».
La lotta per il Criscuoli, intanto, continues.
"In recent months, I have always expressed views very clear and strong - he continues - The resignation does not mean abandoning the fight for the hospital."
will now form the administrative activities of an ordinary citizen.
"From now on, follow the adventures of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, like all - he concludes Format - I'll be part of that segment of the population that, after two years, still waiting for Godot."
Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi - Chaos in Fort Giunta, resigned Format let the Department of Health
"In recent years I have always tried to cooperate - he says - I've spent my whole self into this adventure. Recently I felt a little 'cut off from certain choices. "
The mayor already knew from the days of the intention to form.
"The mayor told me to meditate for a few days, but now the decision was made - more - The mayor understands the dynamics that led me to resign. Everyone is free to make their own considerations. "
The decision to resign in the middle of the struggle for the salvation of Criscuoli potrebbe portare qualcuno a criticare la scelta di Formato.
«Sarò pronto a rispondere a questo tipo di critiche - continua - Non voglio passare per capro espiatorio. In caso di attacchi strumentali mi difenderò a denti stretti. Quella di dimettermi è stata una scelta sofferta ma serena. Sono abituato a seguire i miei principi».
Formato chiede rispetto per la propria scelta.
«Il mio non è un atto di irresponsabilità - continua - Semplicemente in questi mesi i miei principi non sono stati osservati. Penso di non aver deluso nessuno».
La lotta per il Criscuoli, intanto, continues.
"In recent months, I have always expressed views very clear and strong - he continues - The resignation does not mean abandoning the fight for the hospital."
will now form the administrative activities of an ordinary citizen.
"From now on, follow the adventures of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, like all - he concludes Format - I'll be part of that segment of the population that, after two years, still waiting for Godot."
Itch More Condition_symptoms
1. We begin with the end: this morning at least 20 people have said that maybe I nicely to bring bad luck and you better by next Sunday instead of going to the Zaccheria Tele Blue The twenty-first sent him to fuck nicely.
2. VILLAGE CROSSES. Yesterday, thanks to "Friends of Sunday "are entered for the first time in the Church of the Cross and most of all I ate lots of good things. Next Sunday I go again, when you say" be hungry for culture. "
3. FRIENDS OF SUNDAY. Yesterday, in addition to the "Friends of Sunday" there were the "amateurs." If we merge the two groups are out "for Sunday cyclists.
4. MMMA CA STU! Remember the banner of Curva Sud stated in incorporating The famous catchphrase of Pio & Amedeo? A Teleblu have taken in a setting, but, due to an excess of zeal, they complained and now it says "MMMA STU FOGGIA." You could leave the expression that here is not offended anyone ...
5. THE GAME OF ZEMAN. Friends of South Bend also tell me that yesterday, after 10 minutes of playing, a guy said the now-legendary phrase "oh well, but now they understand the game of Zeman." Next time before you get to challenge is not the case to wait a bit 'more?
6. INSIGNIA AND ADMO. This week at the Teatro del Fuego will be playing a benefit show in which the presenter (in the studio yesterday TeleBlu) will wear the shirt with which he scored the two goals yesterday Insigne. We hope to have time to wash ...
7. IF NOT NOW WHEN. Events in Italy, even there, in the square of Villa c’erano un sacco di donne. Se dopo tanti nostri tentativi ci riescono loro a cacciare mr. Culo flaccido facciamo una figura di merda enorme… Ma è una di quelle figure di merda che farei volentieri...
8. BATTUTACCIA MASCHILISTA. Ieri davanti alla Villa c'erano così tante donne che per un attimo ho pensato che avessero fatto un'apertura straordinaria del mercato del venerdì...
9. FOGGIA-JUVE STABIA 4-1. SE NON ORA QUATTRO. E' il commento che il mio amico Satanello Bologna ha scritto per Foggbook. Una delle perle della giornata.
10. "Il mio problema è che durante la settimana non riesco a far crescere di statura Insigne e Sau" (Zdeneck Zeman). Le battute fatte dalle persone serie sono quasi sempre le migliori.
1. We begin with the end: this morning at least 20 people have said that maybe I nicely to bring bad luck and you better by next Sunday instead of going to the Zaccheria Tele Blue The twenty-first sent him to fuck nicely.
2. VILLAGE CROSSES. Yesterday, thanks to "Friends of Sunday "are entered for the first time in the Church of the Cross and most of all I ate lots of good things. Next Sunday I go again, when you say" be hungry for culture. "
3. FRIENDS OF SUNDAY. Yesterday, in addition to the "Friends of Sunday" there were the "amateurs." If we merge the two groups are out "for Sunday cyclists.
4. MMMA CA STU! Remember the banner of Curva Sud stated in incorporating The famous catchphrase of Pio & Amedeo? A Teleblu have taken in a setting, but, due to an excess of zeal, they complained and now it says "MMMA STU FOGGIA." You could leave the expression that here is not offended anyone ...
5. THE GAME OF ZEMAN. Friends of South Bend also tell me that yesterday, after 10 minutes of playing, a guy said the now-legendary phrase "oh well, but now they understand the game of Zeman." Next time before you get to challenge is not the case to wait a bit 'more?
6. INSIGNIA AND ADMO. This week at the Teatro del Fuego will be playing a benefit show in which the presenter (in the studio yesterday TeleBlu) will wear the shirt with which he scored the two goals yesterday Insigne. We hope to have time to wash ...
7. IF NOT NOW WHEN. Events in Italy, even there, in the square of Villa c’erano un sacco di donne. Se dopo tanti nostri tentativi ci riescono loro a cacciare mr. Culo flaccido facciamo una figura di merda enorme… Ma è una di quelle figure di merda che farei volentieri...
8. BATTUTACCIA MASCHILISTA. Ieri davanti alla Villa c'erano così tante donne che per un attimo ho pensato che avessero fatto un'apertura straordinaria del mercato del venerdì...
9. FOGGIA-JUVE STABIA 4-1. SE NON ORA QUATTRO. E' il commento che il mio amico Satanello Bologna ha scritto per Foggbook. Una delle perle della giornata.
10. "Il mio problema è che durante la settimana non riesco a far crescere di statura Insigne e Sau" (Zdeneck Zeman). Le battute fatte dalle persone serie sono quasi sempre le migliori.
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