sorry the photos from time to time will be blurry
Description: dish that seems especially but is easy, nutritious and perfect for dinners in the winter ... all done at home with the help of tools that I'll describe after
Ingredients for 4:
- 2 potatoes
- 2 carrots
- 1 / 4 of celery
- parsley
- 1 large tomato
- 1 piece of pumpkin (or any other vegetable that advances in the fridge)
- leaves of spinach (or any other vegetables you in advance fridge)
- 1 white onion
- salt
- extra virgin olive oil
- parmesan
- 400g flour 00 (or kammut)
- 2 egg yolks
- clean and wash the vegetables, leaving entire
- take a large pot
- put potatoes, carrots, celery (cut in half if necessary), parsley, tomatoes cut in half, pumpkin, spinach, onion
- cover with water more than 4 cm in their level
- salt and pour a dribble of oil
- place on fire with a lid to a boil, stirring a few times
- simmer 20 minutes after boiling , until the vegetables are well cooked
the broth is ready to be used for risotto or soups for vegetable soup
but I to celebrate my cooperation with the firm Marcato ho voluto usare la "raviolini" che รจ stato l'accessorio atalas che mi ha regalato il mio Amore 2 anni fa... eccola all'opera con la ricetta di cui vi sto parlando

come ripieno ho prelevato dal brodo tutte le verdure, le ho sgocciolate per bene e le ho ridotte a crema nel tritatutto, le ho amalgamate a tanto grana grattugiato per rendere leggermente compatta la crema (che ho dimenticato di fotografare)...
ovviamente prima di usare la "raviolini" ho impastato la farina alle uova salate e alla giusta acqua che serve per ottenere un impasto liscio compatto ed elastico (non amiamo la pasta that tastes like eggs well as half the usual dose and replace them with water) ...
the paste was converted into a puff of my Atlas mod. 150 bought by my mother in 1988 (I was 4 years hee hee), I always helped her when she used it and now I also like the old white cotton tablecloth that my mother and now I use to roll out the pasta

short for me to use the machines of the brand (because I have others) is fun and easy and I speed up kitchen work performance, and particularly ... and every purchase made by them last a lifetime

ah I have to finish the recipe:
- the ravioli are made let stand 1 / 2 hour
- when dinner is brought to a boil the broth
- you pay the ravioli are cooked in a short time, just let them come to the surface and still taste them
- you can prepare your broth and stuffing as well as ravioli with a day early ... Obviously then the cooking times will lengthen slightly raviolini
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