Serves 2:
- spaghetti
- sugo semplice
- besciamella
- grana grattugiato
- 2 fettine di prosciutto cotto
- 2 fettine di prosciutto crudo
- 1 fettina di carne di vitello cotta
- 1 uovo sodo
- 1 125g mozzarella
- salt
- make the sauce and the sauce (find the recipes in "base" or Click on the ingredients on top)
- bechamel sauce and mix together
- finely chop the individual ingredients

- lead to boil a pot of water by salt
- Boil the noodles for half the cooking time, then drain and put them in a pot with a couple of ladles of sauce bechamel
- mix well and join the chopped ingredients
- take the casserole and pour a thin layer of sauce sprinkled with parmesan

- put the spaghetti in a casserole crimping nests for a few times with fork
- pay couple of tablespoons of sauce on each pile and other grain
- a bit before going to the table bake casserole at 200 ° until it creates a crust on the surface
- let stand few minutes out of the oven before serving

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