- 500g ground beef from selected adult
- 250g minced veal
- 1 egg
- salt and nutmeg
- grated Parmesan cheese
- hazelnuts
- smoked fontina or
- pears Abbot
- mix with the ever in a bowl, the two meat
- mixing the egg, salt and nutmeg
- combine Parmesan cheese until the mixture is smooth and compact
- tritare una manciata di nocciole da amalgamare all'impasto
- stendere ora la carne su un foglio di carta forno
- pulire una pera grande e metterla nel mixer a dadini con sale e noce moscata
- stendere sulla carne la purea ottenuta, lasciando una cornice di 1cm e 1/2
- stenderci sopra anche il formaggio a fette
- e al centro posizionare delle nocciole intere

- roll being careful that the filling does not spill (more flatten the frame)
- also be careful that the strip remains at the heart of hazelnuts
- seal with hands to the right side and the end to compact the meat loaf
- place it in a pan covered with parchment paper
- bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour
- drain any liquid from the meat loaf products
- serve sliced \u200b\u200binto slices 1cm and 1/2in so that there is a hazelnut in the center of each
- seems strange and unusual but it is perfect to serve with pears and eat it in pieces or otherwise a salad made with pears
is a dish not born as an experiment in which I would bet anything but ... I'll just make it because it is a perfect combination of flavors, mixing the meat tender and not stringy features some crunchy hazelnuts that melts your heart when it comes to soft pear not sweet but delicate ending with a whole hazelnut tender and no more rustic ...
an 'idea, then, is to make the meatballs in a single bite to eat ... Yes! resurface before the end of the winter so this recipe ... now participating in the contest "fruit in the pot"

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