I understand that sometimes certain things it's harder said than done. And when you're dancing, if you throw it without thinking too much, then dances even better.
I get a smile that opens more doors of a pick, but also that the firm , the ' order and discipline are essential if you want to reach the goal fixed in advance. I had already realized that the more I move away from the other, the more I can get close to me, but I figured maybe just now (or rather, I had confirmation) that I'm alone I can be happy. Without having to seek my happiness in another person.
I realized that I live in different souls, seemingly in contradiction, but having each a whole is something of me, like a hand, foot and eye. Although so different. And I realized that people tend to trust me, mainly because I can be as silent as a tomb. I understand that
am what I am and I can not wear any masks other than my too long. And I knew just looking around, seeing me in the world around me, even in the little things, and saying " Yes, that I am . Then I realized that I like myself as they are and for that alone I have to be happy .
I realized that almost no one can really understand me, ma di questo me ne curo molto poco.
Tante altre cose ancora non ho capito, ma questo è un Viaggio che, inshallah , forse non finirà mai.
[Stasera in cielo erano chiare le stelle mentre fumavo lentamente la mia pipa. Segnali, simboli, la mia rotta tracciata]
the Sun close to me, lying on a bench in lava rock. Black like my soul. In front of my sea, behind a bushy beard, with songs of seagulls, my breath. I realized that I live in different souls, seemingly in contradiction, but having each a whole is something of me, like a hand, foot and eye. Although so different. And I realized that people tend to trust me, mainly because I can be as silent as a tomb. I understand that
am what I am and I can not wear any masks other than my too long. And I knew just looking around, seeing me in the world around me, even in the little things, and saying " Yes, that I am . Then I realized that I like myself as they are and for that alone I have to be happy .
I realized that almost no one can really understand me, ma di questo me ne curo molto poco.
Tante altre cose ancora non ho capito, ma questo è un Viaggio che, inshallah , forse non finirà mai.
[Stasera in cielo erano chiare le stelle mentre fumavo lentamente la mia pipa. Segnali, simboli, la mia rotta tracciata]
Vinicio Capossela Travel is always more important than the loot. And it's easy to get people back to win and remember if there is something more important. Foose also the only breeze on your face. These days the streets of downtown are clogged because of
party. This morning, true to myself, I rode in the direction opposite to the cheering crowd. In front of my sea I have re-embraced me. Salt and tobacco. Always smile when things and situations around me remind me of who I am, how I live, I will. E 'in moments like this that really the journey continues, the wind fills the sails and the route seems to be a trail of light on paper. A short-sleeved No more tears, no regrets for what I have just lost or perhaps never had. Come and go on this sea. The search continues. This I am. Invincible, as before.
Image, Internet sources.

Image, Internet sources.
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