obstinate and contrary
Holding on, that's what I do since I met you.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Rhematoid Arthritis More Condition_symptoms

're not the one there ...
I Have Decided to start things from here.
Thunder and lightning will not change
what I'm feeling
and the daffodils look lovely today,
I loaded my pipe with the last pinch of snuff I had left the Danish trip this summer. In the cold of this slow afternoon, sitting among the plants of the veranda, I looked at the sky thinking of some Irish poems. Strait in a sweater, a scarf to embrace the neck, just the silence makes me mate. I measure the words, concede a few. What else could be said that has not already been said? I am happy to have expressed and lived-in bottom-up what I thought, what was inside. Still, the Wind called and I made a commitment to myself. My Journey. My course. So I
new maps and atlases in his hands, square and compasses. I maybe the only thing that I find it really well: travel alone. Leave, everything is already ready. It remains only to wait. In the meantime I rifugerò among the people, but never join. Among the pages of a book, coffee table, on a windswept seaside desert of north-east.
Because I'm like that. And I'm not going to change.
I Have Decided to leave you forever. I loaded my pipe with the last pinch of snuff I had left the Danish trip this summer. In the cold of this slow afternoon, sitting among the plants of the veranda, I looked at the sky thinking of some Irish poems. Strait in a sweater, a scarf to embrace the neck, just the silence makes me mate. I measure the words, concede a few. What else could be said that has not already been said? I am happy to have expressed and lived-in bottom-up what I thought, what was inside. Still, the Wind called and I made a commitment to myself. My Journey. My course. So I
new maps and atlases in his hands, square and compasses. I maybe the only thing that I find it really well: travel alone. Leave, everything is already ready. It remains only to wait. In the meantime I rifugerò among the people, but never join. Among the pages of a book, coffee table, on a windswept seaside desert of north-east.
Because I'm like that. And I'm not going to change.
I Have Decided to start things from here.
Thunder and lightning will not change
what I'm feeling
and the daffodils look lovely today,
look lovely today »
[ Cranberries in spalla.
Il ritorno da un lungo viaggio . Quanto a lungo era stato via da sè?
La sua Isola era così come lui l'aveva lasciata. Pensieri impolverati e legno odoroso, brezze malinconiche ed un soffuso ma deciso odore di tabacco. Desiderava del vino, sedersi sulla sua poltrona, il conforto di un libro di poesie. Ma finalmente andava bene, andava tutto bene. (Quante volte se l'era ripetuto, nei mesi precedenti, mentre onde e burrasche assediavano il suo scafo?
Andrà tutto bene . Ed ora, è così.)
Era riuscito a trovar grazia in ciò che faceva, il suo posto nel mondo. Si era finalmente ricordato il giusto modo di affrontare gli eventi, arrembando a testa high with a knife between his teeth. Smiling coldly, waiting, fighting. had returned. And he was ready to go back to new fables.
[ Cranberries in spalla.
Il ritorno da un lungo viaggio . Quanto a lungo era stato via da sè?
La sua Isola era così come lui l'aveva lasciata. Pensieri impolverati e legno odoroso, brezze malinconiche ed un soffuso ma deciso odore di tabacco. Desiderava del vino, sedersi sulla sua poltrona, il conforto di un libro di poesie. Ma finalmente andava bene, andava tutto bene. (Quante volte se l'era ripetuto, nei mesi precedenti, mentre onde e burrasche assediavano il suo scafo?
Andrà tutto bene . Ed ora, è così.)
Era riuscito a trovar grazia in ciò che faceva, il suo posto nel mondo. Si era finalmente ricordato il giusto modo di affrontare gli eventi, arrembando a testa high with a knife between his teeth. Smiling coldly, waiting, fighting. had returned. And he was ready to go back to new fables.
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