- 1kg of minced beef from selected adult
- 500g minced veal
- 2 eggs
- salt
- pepper
- nutmeg
- much grated parmesan
- 2 ounces of ham
- 2 ounces of sliced \u200b\u200bcheese (fontina or Emmental)
- impastare per bene con le mani le due carni in una ciotola capiente
- sbattere leggermente le uova con sale, pepe e noce moscata
- amalgamare le uova alla carne
- aggiungere man mano parmigiano fin quando l'impasto risulta più liscio e compatto
- stendere l'impasto su un foglio di carta forno
- porre le fette di prosciutto sulla sfoglia di carne lasciando una cornice di 2 cm just
- lay the slices of cheese on the ham
- roll up the meat with the help of the greaseproof paper
- seal for good with his hands openings and side seam
- put in a pan and cover with parchment paper (I was afraid not cuocesse inside and outside burns)
- bake in the oven and set it off 180 °
- cook for about 1 hour since the temperature has been reached
- churn and drain any liquid products from
- keep it aside until ready to prepare the meal by placing it in the middle of a round baking dish with boiled potatoes into pieces and dressed all in oven and cook
- or serve immediately with slices of mashed potatoes or other vegetables
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