Friday, February 25, 2011

Dumping Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

BIGNE 'RICE celiac

Description: are intolerant to wheat, I found that many are , and there are also many gluten-free ... replaced as often classic meal with alternative flours, often the result does not change, but other wheat is irreplaceable, unless you make changes ... with these cream puffs there was no need for any changes, I followed the recipe for cream puffs alongside replacing wheat flour with rice, I often stock up at home ... I buy from both rice and flour that the mill kammut Chiavazza and I am happy and honored to work with them deserve to be popular because they offer quality affordable
  • 110g rice flour
  • 110g butter
  • 4 eggs
  • coconut custard this also can be prepared with the rice flour
  • chocolate icing
  1. put 250ml of water with the butter in a saucepan over medium heat
  2. when the butter has melted and the water begins to boil, add the flour
  3. stir with a wooden spoon over low heat until it starts to break away from the walls
  4. remove from heat and add one egg, mix well before adding the next
  5. do the same for all 4 eggs
  6. turn the oven to 200 °
  7. place of paper cups on baking tray
  8. riempire con l'impasto ottenuto il sacco a posh
  9. riempire ora con l'impasto ogni pirottino
  10. spruzzare d'acqua i bignè ancora crudi e infornarli
  11. cuocerli per 25 minuti poi abbassare la temperatura a 150° e proseguire per 15 minuti
  12. sfornare e lasciar raffreddare
  13. intanto lavare il sacco a posh e preparare la crema
  14. quando la crema è intiepidita
  15. Gently remove the cream puffs that are very fragile and drill a hole for the spout until the bag posh
  16. fill the bag posh cream puffs and fill out one at a time putting them in cups
  17. prepare the glaze and pour it over cream puffs
  18. cool


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