Saturday, February 19, 2011

Signs Of A Stroke More Condition_symptoms

In the ship's direction

I understand that sometimes certain things it's harder said than done. And when you're dancing, if you throw it without thinking too much, then dances even better.
I get a smile that opens more doors of a pick, but also that the firm , the ' order and discipline are essential if you want to reach the goal fixed in advance. I had already realized that the more I move away from the other, the more I can get close to me, but I figured maybe just now (or rather, I had confirmation) that I'm alone I can be happy. Without having to seek my happiness in another person.
I realized that I live in different souls, seemingly in contradiction, but having each a whole is something of me, like a hand, foot and eye. Although so different. And I realized that people tend to trust me, mainly because I can be as silent as a tomb. I understand that
am what I am and I can not wear any masks other than my too long. And I knew just looking around, seeing me in the world around me, even in the little things, and saying " Yes, that I am . Then I realized that I like myself as they are and for that alone I have to be happy .
I realized that almost no one can really understand me, ma di questo me ne curo molto poco.

Tante altre cose ancora non ho capito, ma questo è un Viaggio che, inshallah , forse non finirà mai.

[Stasera in cielo erano chiare le stelle mentre fumavo lentamente la mia pipa. Segnali, simboli, la mia rotta tracciata]

party. This morning, true to myself, I rode in the direction opposite to the cheering crowd. In front of my sea I have re-embraced me. Salt and tobacco. Always smile when things and situations around me remind me of who I am, how I live, I will. E 'in moments like this that really the journey continues, the wind fills the sails and the route seems to be a trail of light on paper. A short-sleeved
the Sun close to me, lying on a bench in lava rock. Black like my soul. In front of my sea, behind a bushy beard, with songs of seagulls, my breath.
No more tears, no regrets for what I have just lost or perhaps never had. Come and go on this sea. The search continues. This I am. Invincible, as before.
Image, Internet sources.


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