Monday, February 14, 2011

Itch More Condition_symptoms


1. We begin with the end: this morning at least 20 people have said that maybe I nicely to bring bad luck and you better by next Sunday instead of going to the Zaccheria Tele Blue The twenty-first sent him to fuck nicely.

2. VILLAGE CROSSES. Yesterday, thanks to "Friends of Sunday "are entered for the first time in the Church of the Cross and most of all I ate lots of good things. Next Sunday I go again, when you say" be hungry for culture. "

3. FRIENDS OF SUNDAY. Yesterday, in addition to the "Friends of Sunday" there were the "amateurs." If we merge the two groups are out "for Sunday cyclists.

4. MMMA CA STU! Remember the banner of Curva Sud stated in incorporating The famous catchphrase of Pio & Amedeo? A Teleblu have taken in a setting, but, due to an excess of zeal, they complained and now it says "MMMA STU FOGGIA." You could leave the expression that here is not offended anyone ...

5. THE GAME OF ZEMAN. Friends of South Bend also tell me that yesterday, after 10 minutes of playing, a guy said the now-legendary phrase "oh well, but now they understand the game of Zeman." Next time before you get to challenge is not the case to wait a bit 'more?

6. INSIGNIA AND ADMO. This week at the Teatro del Fuego will be playing a benefit show in which the presenter (in the studio yesterday TeleBlu) will wear the shirt with which he scored the two goals yesterday Insigne. We hope to have time to wash ...

7. IF NOT NOW WHEN. Events in Italy, even there, in the square of Villa c’erano un sacco di donne. Se dopo tanti nostri tentativi ci riescono loro a cacciare mr. Culo flaccido facciamo una figura di merda enorme… Ma è una di quelle figure di merda che farei volentieri...

8. BATTUTACCIA MASCHILISTA. Ieri davanti alla Villa c'erano così tante donne che per un attimo ho pensato che avessero fatto un'apertura straordinaria del mercato del venerdì...

9. FOGGIA-JUVE STABIA 4-1. SE NON ORA QUATTRO. E' il commento che il mio amico Satanello Bologna ha scritto per Foggbook. Una delle perle della giornata.

10. "Il mio problema è che durante la settimana non riesco a far crescere di statura Insigne e Sau" (Zdeneck Zeman). Le battute fatte dalle persone serie sono quasi sempre le migliori.


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